THIRTY-FOUR: Happily Ever After, Almost

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Chiron had spotted his chariot before we landed, and had gathered all fifteen of the year-round campers into the clearing outside the Big House. He stood in front of them, in all his snow-white horse glory. As we got closer, I could see the relief on his face, the smiled gracing his lips, the soft crossing of his arms telling me he was ready to scold us for the lack of Iris Messages.

Lee and Ryder hung in the back at the back of the group. Eric had put his mirror away. Angeline stood beside Tera, Fiona, and Tina. Donnie and Daniel, the twins, we waving wildly and jumping in front of each other like it was a contest who would get waved back at first, which really annoyed a close-by Brandon.

Freddy, Thomas, Eleo, Mark, and Jordan hung not a foot behind Chiron, their excitement growing the closer we got.

As soon as we landed in front of the groups, I was pulled into hugs from every direction. Eleo slapped me on the back before wrapping her arms around me, and Thomas quickly joined in (I was suspicious that he was moreso hugging Eleo than me), then Freddy tackled us from behind, and the circle grew.

I was pulled onto the shoulders of Thomas and Eleo, Diana and Johnny popping up beside me. The camp was cheering, even Lee and Ryder dropped their cold expressions to enjoy the fact that we'd saved them from impending death.

My heart beat fast as a light as blue as Zeus' eyes sparked above me. The cheering only grew as everyone but the six people carrying us bowed before me. I looked up at the mark of my father, the lightning bolt, glowing warmly over my head. I held back a sob of relief.

"Zeus - God of Gods, Lightning Wielder, Ruler of the Sky. Hail Y/N Y/L/N, daughter of Zeus."

We were set back on the ground, where more clapping, cheering, and hugging commenced.

"We thought you guys were dead!" Eleo hollered. "But I knew that shield I gave you would keep you alive!' I promised myself I'd tell her about the malfunction later. When everyone wasn't in the happiest mood I'd seen them in since I got to camp.

"Now, now," Chiron roared over the crowd. Slowly but surely, the campers quieted down. "The festivities will commence tonight,"

"The whole shebang?" Donnie cut in from the crowd.

Chiron smiled. "The whole shebang."

"I'll get the laurel wreaths!"

"I'll get the fireworks!" Daniel added.

"Oh, gods. You aren't allowed to get those by yourself - remember what happened last time?" Brandon asked, a hand pinching the bridge of his nose like he was fighting away a headache.

"Anyway," Chiron called again, recollecting the attention of the campers. "For now, our heroes will follow me into the Big House. Anyone who wishes to hear the story may join us in fifteen minutes. Until then, yes, I encourage you to help get ready for the festivities."


Chiron sat us around the ping-pong table in the Big House rec room. Snacks of crackers and cheese wiz were laid out in front of us, with some magical goblets. I immediately rewarded myself a chocolate milk and a mouth full of cheese wiz before Chiron cut into my happy eating.

"It will please you to know that the summer campers will be here on Saturday, in two days." he started. Johnny sprayed some cheese on a plastic ping-pong page and took a bite. "Usually, as Diana and Johnny know, the summer potion of camp does start before the solstice. However I had sent word to the families not to come. This was, of course, before the prophecy. I wasn't sure if they had would have a camp to come to. But alas, all is well now."

"And we're officially not wanted by the authorities anymore, thanks to you." I added.

He waved it aside. "It was my idea, but without the execution of your friends it would not have happened. Moving forward, congratulations on getting claimed and completing the quest. Tonight, as we do after every quest, we will celebrate. A big feast, the burning of the shrouds..."

Child of Zeus {Interactive Story} (PJO/HOO/TOA)Where stories live. Discover now