TWENTY SIX: The Tree On The Hill

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In honour of the Lightning Theif Musical? I think, yes. (For those who aren't aware, I'm referring to the song being sung)

I don't know how long I stood there, paralyzed, as the world fell down around me. My chest was tight, it was hard for me to get air in. I had shut my eyes so tight I was scared they'd never open again.

How long did I have left to find Johnny?

One nagging question, stuck in my mind as I struggled to get my limbs to work. We only had two hours until the salve wore off, and I didn't know how long I'd been looking for this tunnel, or how long I'd been in it.

I cursed myself harshly under my breath, trying to calm myself down. Here I was, worrying about the walls crumbling around me (yikes), when my best-furry-friend was possibly in a cocoon of acid! I rose my dagger, breathing laboured, and I started to walk.

If I focused on the nearest torches on the walls at one time, showing quite plainly that the ceiling was dirty, but intact, I could move rather slowly towards it. These cautious steps would cost me, no doubt, but at least I was moving.

I came to a fork in the dirt. Great. This would take me further from Johnny or right to him - all the while giving me more reason for panic. Down both the tunnels, though I couldn't see much, what I could see was that the lights had stopped. There were no more fires lighting up the paths.

My breath hitched in my throat. This time, because I saw a figure moving around the left tunnel. The myrmeke had its antanee waving like an alarm. Its head barely reflected the light from behind me, which was the only way I'd seen it. It was no doubt one of the few that stayed down here to guard my poor sheep friend -- but knowing that majority of the ants were above the ground gave me some solace.

It turned left down a second fork in that same tunnel. If he was guarding Johnny, he'd be my best shot to get to him. But the lights were still out, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get my breathing under control.

Then, I heard it. It must've been what the ant was sensing - a soft lullaby of sorts, coming from the tunnel he went down. With a surge of courage, I took a step down the tunnel. As the singing got louder, I kept going, until finally I could hear the words Johnny was singing.

"The tree on the hill, at the top of the hill, watches over us silent and still. I know I won't be safe until I can see the tree on the hill..."

I don't think I'd ever heard Johnny sing with so much emotion. The tree...he must've been referring to the big pine tree at camp's boarder. The one that keeps the monsters out.

I turned again, into a lit tunnel, where a dozen ants were peering into a room, antanea bobbing wildly.

If they hadn't noticed me yet, I decided, glad I could see the not crumbling ceiling above me, I figured I still had time to slip by unnoticed. 

When I got in the room, I saw Johnny backed up against the back corner. The only bit of him that had ant mucus on it was his furry hoof up to his knee. As he sang, he tried desperately to pull his leg from the hard goo, or to break it with his other hoof.

When he saw me, the song he was singing wavered. Even though he paused for less than a second, the myrmekes went insane. They took a step into the doorway of the cavern we were in, still blocking our only exit, and then stopped and calmed down when Johnny got back in the beat.

"Don't stop singing!" I told him. I was so happy to see him, and I could see he was happy to see me, too. But now wasn't the time for a whole-hearted reunion. He could thank me later.

I used the butt of my dagger to try and crack the goop on Johnny's leg, but it wasn't working. I looked at him, shaking my head as he sang.

"Why did I let you go without the salve?" I asked him. "Don't answer that, keep singing. "

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