The Team Is Complete

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Henshin growled at Zenaku and roared. Mon looked at me and I just grinned. 

Me:Henshin! Grab him!

Henshin attacked Zenaku who was still attacking with those spikes. Henshin may have been big but his speed was still fast. He zipped past all the spikes and grabbed Zenaku. He pinned him to the wall and growled. I steadied myself and walked over to him. 

Me:I'll be taking my power back now. 

I placed my hand on his chest and took back my power. I immediately felt better. To make sure, I transformed into my reaper form and pulled out my sword. I heard Tsukiko gasp and I just smiled at her. She quickly changed faces and went from scared to relieved. I looked at Zenaku. I was pissed. I already had enough going on and now he has to but in. Hotaru was enough to deal with. I raised my sword and put it to Zenaku's neck with Henshin still holding him. 

Me:End of the line. 

Zenaku:Really? I think there's still some left to go. But I guess I'll have to wait to get the shard back seeing as how there have been a few interruptions. Goodbye. And enjoy life while you can. 

Before I even processed all of what he said, he snapped his fingers again and he seeped into the wall like a ghost. I raised my sword and slashed at him but he was already gone. I sighed and turned back into a human and looked at the others. 

Mon:The good guys always win. 

Tsukiko:Wow! You looked cool! That black cloak was so creepy. But in a good way. And your sword looked really sharp. How sharp is it? Do you know? Maybe we can test it. Lets get some watermelons and slice those with it. But wouldn't that make the sword nasty and wet? Oh well. You can clean it off. Anyway... 

We all looked at her as she kept talking and talking and talking and... oh forget it. She wasn't stopping. Me and Aito looked at Mon who sighed. She walked over to Tsukiko and hit her on her head. Tsukiko screamed and scowled at Mon, holding her now throbbing head. 

Tsukiko:What was that for?! 

Mon:Learn to shut up! You were going nonstop. 

Tsukiko:Well there was no need to hit me. 

I looked at Aito and I burst out laughing. Aito joined in and Mon and Tsukiko just looked at us. I laughed so hard my side was hurting. Henshin transformed back into a snake and went back home. We all decided to hang out so we stopped at a cafe and talked. While there, a few ghosts showed up and I did have to hide to transform and send their souls away. Not to mention Miki showed up and started another fight with me. Dumb ass. I wish he would just quit. Mon covered Tsukiko's eyes when Miki started bleeding. I apologized to her and she just said it was fine. After a few more hours, we all said goodbye. I knew I'd be seeing them again considering Zenaku was still alive and looking for me. Not to mention I could use their help on dealing with Hotaru. When I got home, I was exhausted. Shoukku and Yoroshii were already asleep. I slinked up to my room and plopped on the bed. Henshin was already asleep on the bed so I just got under the covers and fell fast asleep. I then had a dream. Actually, more like a nightmare. Zenaku had taken my friends and family hostage unless I gave him the shard. I agreed and I found myself strapped to a table, strange tools hanging over me. They then activated and began to cut into me. I tried to scream out but nothing. No noise escaped my throat. The pain felt so real. Zenaku had the shard. He was using it to destroy everything. People were dying and I couldn't stop it. The world then exploded and I shot up in my bed, a cold sweat covering me. Shoukku walked into my bedroom. He was coming to wake me and was surprised to see me already up. When he saw that I was shaking, he rushed over to me, feeling my forehead for any signs of a fever. He looked at me with concerned eyes. 

Shoukku:Are you sure you're alright? You look like you saw a ghost. 

Me:Not a ghost. Just a monster. 

Shoukku:What kind of monster? A zombie? Werewolf? 

Me:I... don't remember. 

I had to lie to him. If I told him, then I'd have to tell him everything. After Shoukku left the room, I had realized that Henshin was gone. I looked at the closet and he slithered out. Smarty pants snake. He hid in there before Shoukku walked in. I got out of bed and went down stairs to find Yoroshii sitting at the table eating as usual. He smiled and greeted me. I greeted him and left for school, ignoring Shoukku's complaints about me needing to eat breakfast. I didn't run into Miki on the way to school which I thought was nice. Maybe he finally gave up. I walked past the gate and saw Aomi and Choki waiting for me. I waved at them and they waved back. 

Me:Hey guys. 

Aomi:Hey Shichi. You seem to be in a good mood. 

Me:Well I wasn't yesterday but I am today. 

Choki:What happened yesterday? 

Me:Some idiot tried to kill me. But ended up going through a wall. Literally. 

Aomi:You punched a guy through a wall?! 

Me:Well, not exactly but it did happen. But don't worry about it. Lets just get to class. 

We walked to class and, for once, I finally felt like I was safe.

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