Secrets Revealed

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The next day, I woke up to the sound of my brother screaming my name.

Shoukku:Shichi! Hurry up and get out of bed or you'll be late to school.

Me:Shut up already, I'm coming!

I got out of bed and got dressed. Henshin was still asleep on the bed. Lucky snake. I was able to work my way downstairs while still half asleep. Shoukku and Yoroshii were eating breakfast. Yoroshii was the first to greet me. I Iike to call him Yoro. 

Yoro:Hey sister! Good morning isn't it? 

Me:Exactly which part of this morning is good? 

Shoukku:Just hurry up and eat. 

He placed a plate of food for me to eat. I sat down and began eating. I had to admit, my brother was an annoying jerk but he made good food. After breakfast, I was on my way to school when I heard a scream. I ran in the direction it came from and looked into an alleyway. There was woman on the ground. She was being chased by a demon from the looks of it. She had cuts and gashes on her. Just then, the demon appeared. I could tell it was a high level one. It had giant teeth and claws like most demons but this one was different. All high level demons have broken chains on their wrists and ankles. Lower level demons are still chained and the chains lead to the spot where they appear. I immediately transformed into my reaper state and, as the demon was about to attack, I grabbed my sword and stopped it. It was difficult to hold it off. I looked at the woman who was apparently stunned. I had to get her to run away. 

Me:Don't just sit there, get moving! You have to go! 

She finally came to her senses and began to run away. But she stopped, turned to me, and smiled. I saw her mouth 'Thank you' and run away. I sighed. Now I could fight without anyone getting hurt except the demon. I was still holding off its hand until it had decided to try and hit me with the other. I quickly pushed away the hand I was holding back and dodged the other one. I swung my sword at the demon but it was able to dodge. I then called forth one of my sword's techniques. 

Me:Kadojigoku. Tenma Jigoku. Now demons from hell, come forth. 

I called forth many demons into the alleyway. They attacked the demon and most were wiped out but a few were able to latch onto the demon and sink their teeth in. The poison in their teeth started to dissolve the demon's body which was one of their powers. The demons I call aren't very big or strong but they are fast and if they bite you, they release a deadly poison into the person that takes effect quickly. What the poison does depends on the demons I call. They can either paralyze you, dissolve you from the inside out, or any other thing that destroys your body. Ghastly, I know. I watched as the demon dissolved into a boiling puddle and the demons disappeared. I turned back into my human form. I was startled by a chuckle I heard behind me. I turned to see Roka standing there. I scowled. Roka Yoshida. He was a stuck up brat with short, black hair and orange eyes who tried any method to get what he wanted. He was also a year younger than me. I was about to leave until I saw a camera in his hands. I looked at Roka who had a giant smile over his pale face. He held up the camera in a taunting way. 

Roka:Guess what I have? Pictures of your little secret. 

Me:What secret? 

Roka:Nice try girlie. But I have proof. You're not human. 

Me:You so much as tell anyone and I'll hunt you down and dump your body into the pit of Hell. 

I walked up to him and towered above the younger boy. My threat didn't seem to affect him because he smiled. 

Roka:Sure. You try that. And when you do, everyone finds out about your little secret. You do know I'm a technical genius right? 

Me:And I care why? 

Roka:Because I created a program that automatically sends the pictures I take with my camera, to my computer. Then, all I have to do is push this button to send them out to everyone on the web. 

He pulled out a small device with a red button on it. I could feel my hand twitching. I tried to get it under control. I knew that if I didn't, I might have knocked him flat on his back. 

Me:Give me the device and erase those pictures. 

Roka:I don't plan to. And don't even think that destroying this thing will stop my computer from sending the pictures. They'll be sent either way. 

I hated this kid. I sighed and began to walk to school. He began to follow me. When I was almost at the entrance, I stopped and so did Roka. I turned and looked at him. 

Me:Why are you following me? 

Roka:No reason. 

Me:I see. You plan to blackmail me don't you? 

Roka:You catch on quick. I'm just waiting for the right time to do it. 

Me:Well you can do it somewhere else. Not while I'm at school. Its bad enough I have to go here anyway. 

I walked up to the doors and looked behind me. Roka was still there. I gave him a death glare which he just shrugged at walked away. I shook my head and went to my classroom. Aomi and Chokichi were already there. Aomi was the first to see me and she about killed me in bear hug. I hope she and Choki never find out my secret.

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