The Calvary Arrives

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My body temperature kept rising and so did the pain. It was getting more intense and Zenaku just stood there laughing. I tried to get one of my hands free but the hands holding me tightened making me wince. I swear if they start roaming into my pants, someone is going to die. Wait, I can't think of that now! I was struggling to break free but it was no use. I was trapped and my powers were being stolen. Zenaku began to speak. 

Zenaku:I might as well tell you why you're in this situation. Its because of this. 

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a jewel that was completely black. It even had a faint black glow around it. I examined it more and noticed that there was a hole on the side of it. That must have been the spot where my crystal went. He held it closer to me and I could feel it pulling at the crystal inside me. He spoke again. 

Zenaku:You see, for as long as I can remember, this jewel has been with me for a long time. I was caught in an explosion many years ago. I even lost my memory. 

Me:Your m-memory? 

Zenaku:Yes. I then tried unlocking the powers of the jewel but it ended up shattering into many pieces and scattering itself all over the world. I have collected almost all of the shards. Yours is the last shard I need to complete the jewel. The reason is what I found out before the jewel shattered. If used right, I can use it to take over the world. 

Me:Y-you're insane. 

Zenaku:I suggest you stay still. I'm not done yet. 

He concentrated even harder, making me scream out in pain. I was coming close to passing out when I heard someone talking. I opened my eyes and looked behind Zenaku only to see Mon standing in the alleyway with two other people. One was a girl who looked like Mon but younger. She had long, silver hair and the same silver eyes as Mon. The dude had short, brown hair and blue eyes. He was also wearing a karate uniform. Mon scowled at Zenaku then pointed at me. 

Mon:We would appreciate it if you took your hand off of her and left her with us. Now. 

Zenaku:And if I refuse? 

Mon grinned and put her hands together. 

Mon:Spirit of strength! 

The same glow appeared around her and she looked at me then at Zenaku. She charged at him, fist raised and connected to his face. He was sent flying into the wall. I don't think he even tried to dodge. The arms around me disappeared and I fell to the ground, still weak from having my power drained. Mon rushed over to me and helped me on my feet. She walked me over to the man and he took my arm and put it around his neck to steady me. 

Mon:The calvary has arrived!

Me:Thanks. But you took your bloody time though. 

Mon:Sorry about that. Oh, by the way. This is my little sister, Tsukiko. 

Tsukiko:Hi. I'm 12. Did Mon tell you she is 17? And that dude is 23? Mon has told me all about you. However she didn't tell me about the big creepy guy and honestly he could stand a ma- 

Mon put her hand over her sister's mouth. She laughed nervously at me and the guy. 

Mon:Sorry. Once she starts talking, she doesn't stop. Anyway, this is Aito Ikeda. He's a master of martial arts and Dousatsu. 


Aito:It's a power that I learned from martial arts. I have the power to predict my opponent's moves before they attack. Its mostly known as insight. 

Me:I s-see. Mon, you have to k-keep your guard up. Zenaku isn't beaten yet. 

Zenaku then rose from the rubble and wiped himself off. He looked at us and he didn't look happy. 

Zenaku:You have some power. But I would appreciate you not interfering with my affairs. Now give me the girl so I can finish removing the shard from her. 

Mon:Not a chance. Spirit of barriers! 

A barrier formed around us and Zenaku shook his head. He snapped his fingers and spikes appeared in midair, surrounding Zenaku. The spikes then began to attack the barrier. I could tell Mon was struggling to keep up the barrier. 

Mon:What the hell is hitting us? 

Me:Spikes. Many spikes. 

Mon:How the hell do you know? 

Me:I can see them. I don't know why though. 

Zenaku:Because you have part of the shard in you. That means that, in a way, we are connected. You are the only one who can see my powers. 

Aito:Don't underestimate the power of Dousatsu. 

Zenaku:Not even your Dousatsu can help. That power only predicts physical attacks. Mine are different. Now just die already. 

The spikes continued to attack us and the barrier began to crack. Mon poured in more power to strengthen it. 

Me:I have an idea. 

I put my fingers to my mouth and whistled. It echoed throughout the city and everyone looked at me in confusion. 

Mon:Why did you do that? 

Me:You'll see. 

Henshin then slithered into the alleyway and went in front of us, hissing at Zenaku. 

Mon:A snake? 

Me:Not just a snake. Meet Henshin, my little shape shifter. Henshin! Transform! 

Henshin then transformed into his demon form. His tail grew longer and sharp spikes grew down his back. Sharp claws grew on his hands along with sharp teeth. His green skin became a bright red and patterned with small scales. Horns popped out of his head and his roar was loud and bloodcurdling. I smiled for I knew even Zenaku couldn't stand up to this big brute.

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