Hotaru Back Again

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The morning was already beginning to get to me. My alarm didn't go off and breakfast spilled all over me. I almost got hit by a car on the way to school and I stepped in something that I don't even want to describe. By the time I got to class, my hair was in a mess from the blasting wind and the smell from what I stepped in was still lingering. Aomi looked at me and held her nose.

Aomi:You reek! What is that smell anyway.

Me:Even I don't know. You wouldn't happen to have some perfume or anything to get rid of the smell do you?

Choki:You can go wash your boot off in the bathroom.

Me:I guess. But I still want that perfume. And do you also have a brush?

Aomi:Yea. Here.

She rummaged through her backpack and pulled out a bottle of perfume and a brush and handed them to me. I ran to the bathroom and washed off my boot. The stuff on my boot was difficult to remove but it finally came off. I brushed the tangles out of my hair and put on some perfume. I looked fine after all that. I had to admit, I hated all that pampering stuff but it does come in handy when you're having a hair and odor crisis. I was about to walk back to class when I heard someone laughing behind me. I turned around to see a familiar face. Hotaru. I looked at her in disbelief. How was she here? I thought I just dreamt all that including her. She began to walk slowly to me. I backed away some.

Hotaru:Nice to see you again. Hmm? You seem tense.

Me:Because I thought that you were just a dream.

Hotaru:No. I'm much more than just a dream. I'm a demon.

Me:A demon? Well if that's the case.

I immediately transformed into my reaper form. I lifted up my sword and pointed it at her.

Me:You should know I slay demons.

Hotaru:Yes. But you won't slay me.

Me:And why wouldn't I? You plan on telling everyone my secret?

Hotaru:No. But I do plan on devouring them. The reason I showed up here is because I just wanted to tell you that I'll be off the radar for a little bit.

Me:Why are you telling me this?

Hotaru:Because I'm going to tell you when I get back. You remember how I first made my presence known to you right? Well this time, it'll be something different.

Me:You're a weird demon. And how did you make me dream you?

Hotaru:Because I am able to influence what people dream in anyway. That is my power. So, I'll be seeing you when I get back. Bye.

Before I could stop her, she left in a black mist just like in my dream. Dammit. This is apparently a powerful demon. I didn't see any chains on her and usually there are even when in human form. As much as I didn't want to admit it, Hotaru is a powerful enemy. I transformed back into a human and gathered everything and left. After I got home, I went upstairs and sat with Henshin on the bed. I looked at him.

Me:You know Henshin, you're getting pretty lazy since I'm taking care of all the demons that show up. You could use some exercise.

Henshin looked at me then transformed into a dog and began growling. He even barred his fangs.

Me:Don't give me that. You need to help me with the demons. Tonight, we're going out and seeing if any demons try to show up.

Henshin turned into a kitten and tried to make me change my mind by purring and rubbing on my leg. He did that when he didn't like my decisions.

Me:Nice try. You're still going.

He hissed at me and went to the end of the bed and laid down. That night, we searched for demons. Not many showed up but we still had our hands full. Henshin may have been lazing around all that time but he was still fast and strong against the demons. The fights were short and we were able to get home fast. Henshin immediately jumped on the bed and fell asleep. I laughed and got in the bed and fell asleep with him. Yet I couldn't shake the feeling, that entire day, that Hotaru was going to return soon.

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