Who Took Who?!

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When I woke up, I could feel pressures on multiple parts of my body. I looked to see Henshin who was spread out all over my body. His head was on my stomach while his stomach was on my arms, legs, and chest. He tossed and turned more than me! I was able to lift him off of my body and got out of bed. Just then, Shoukku came through the door and was about to say something. He stopped when he saw me standing there, holding my shirt as I was about to take it off. I quickly let my hands fall to my sides and Shoukku just cleared his throat. 

Shoukku:I didn't expect you to be up yet. Sorry for intruding when you were just about to get dressed. 

With that, he closed the door and left. I quickly got changed just in case someone else wanted to barge in unannounced. For some reason, I had a small headache that was there when I woke up. I just tried to ignore it. I then realized that Henshin was on the bed the whole time Shoukku was in my room. I was relieved when I went downstairs and Shoukku didn't ask about Henshin. That must have meant he didn't see him. I ate as fast as I could and walked out the door. I power walked to school and was greeted by Chokichi when I walked past the gate. 

Choki:Hey Shichi. Did you sleep well? 

Me:Yea. But I'm still a little bit tired. 

I had noticed that he didn't stutter anymore since we began dating. We walked into the classroom and sat near the window. My headache was still there and it showed no signs of going away. Before school started, Chokichi decided to go to the bathroom. I waited for about 5 minutes but Chokichi wasn't back yet. I knew it usually didn't take him this long. I waited a few more minutes before getting up and going to the door to the boy's bathroom. I knocked but no one answered. 

Me:Chokichi! You in there?! 

Still no answer. I decided the only way I would find out was if I went in there myself. I looked around to see if anyone was in the hallway and quickly went in. I looked around to see scribbled words and little doodles on the walls. There were used paper towels around the trash can and the sinks were covered with wet paper towels. I looked at the urinals and then at the stalls. I looked under them but didn't see a pair of shoes. Not even Chokichi's. I was confused now. Where was Chokichi? I went out of the boy's bathroom only to be met with a weirded out stare from a boy that looked like he was about to go in. I froze. Damn. I began to shuffle away, the boy still staring at me. I then ran to the class and went over to Aomi. 

Me:Hey Aomi. Do you know where Chokichi is? 

Aomi:I thought he was in the bathroom. 

Me:Believe me he's not. But I don't know where he is. 

Aomi:We'll look for him after school. 

I nodded and sat back down. School was excruciatingly long or at least it was to me. After the bell rang, me and Aomi walked passed the gates only to be met by a boy with a red mo-hawk and snake bites. His eyes were a piercing blue that looked cold. He wore the same uniform as Miki. He was grinning and he put his hand in his pocket. He fished out a note before speaking. 

Boy:Are you Shichi? 


Boy:Miki wanted me to give you this. 

He handed me the note and I snatched it from his hand. I looked at it and read the squiggly lines that created the letters and nearly blew a gasket. The note read 'If you ever want to see your little guy again meet me under the Truence bridge at 5 or else.' I balled the note and threw it at the boy who seemed to be unhappy about my little outburst. He grunted and walked off. Aomi had read the note over my shoulder and looked at me with concerned eyes. 

Aomi:You're not going to go kill him are you? 

Me:That depends on whether he begs for mercy or not. 

Aomi:Then I guess he better start preparing his funeral because I don't think mercy is in his vocabulary. 

Me:A lot of words aren't in his vocabulary but pain is and that's what I'm going to give him. 

I began to march angrily towards the bridge considering I already knew where it was. I liked to go there and play with the stray cats that were there. Aomi was trailing behind me with a worried look. It didn't take us long to get there. I examined the graffiti covered concrete and piles of trash near the walls. I walked under the bridge to only get more angry at the sight. Miki was in front of a tied up Chokichi who's mouth was taped shut. The red haired boy was there as well along with a few other boys, all in the same uniform. I nearly burst in anger right then and there but Aomi putting her hand on my shoulder stopped me. I looked at her, calming down a bit. However, when I did, I was reminded of my headache which had apparently gotten worse by me becoming angry. I put a hand on my head and applied pressure which helped a bit. I looked back at Miki, removing my hand from my head. Miki snickered and stepped forward a bit to where I could see his sinister smile and piercing eyes. 

Miki:I'm glad you could make it. I've been anxiously waiting for you to show up. 

Me:Why? So I could kick your ass again?


He was walking up to me with a smug grin and stopped inches in front of me. He then whispered into my ear.

Miki:So you can hand yourself over to Zenaku.

I flinched. What? How did he know. I looked at Miki then realized there was something off about him. His eyes. They weren't brown at all. They were red. The same red as Zenaku's eyes. It was at that moment that I figured it out. Zenaku was controlling Miki.

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