Life Is Sweet

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Note:I'm back to writing in Shichi's point of view. To be honest I kind of missed writing from her perspective.... DON'T JUDGE ME!

I woke up at 6:30 in the morning. I knew this would happen. All because Shoukku said I needed to go to bed early. I had told him many times I was fine but he wouldn't take no for an answer. I patted the sleeping kitten next to me and got out of the bed. I got dressed and went downstairs only to be scared half to death by two idiots yelling surprise in my face. I looked at them like they were crazy. Yoroshii was the first to relieve my confusion.

Yoro:We decided to make you a special breakfast after going through all that stuff yesterday.

Shoukku:Now eat up because I made a lot of food.

I looked at the pile of eggs, bacon, stacks of pancakes, and toast. Oh god they're gonna kill me. I sat down and, thinking I wasn't all that hungry, didn't put much on my plate. I was wrong. Turns out that being dead makes a person starved. I ate almost everything that was there. By the time I was done, my stomach was full and hurting a bit. I then heard a knock on the door and opened it only to see Aomi, Aito, Chokichi, Tsukiko, Mon, and Roka standing there. I looked at them like they were strangers. Mon was the first to speak.

Mon:Shoukku told us to come over since we're having a party.

Me:Party? What party?

Shoukku:The one that's about to start.

Before I could say anything everyone piled into the living room. Food and drinks were on the table and Yoroshii had turned on some loud music. I looked at Shoukku who whispered in my ear.

Shoukku:Its to celebrate the win over Zenaku. Just go with it.

I realized he was whispering because of Aomi and Chokichi. They don't know my secret. I guess I'll tell them one day. I then glimpsed outside to see Miki walking down the street. I quickly opened the door and shouted to him. He looked at me and scowled.

Miki:What do you want?

Me:Come on in and party with us!


Me:Because I'll beat you if you don't get in here.

He quickly ran inside and I closed the door. I saw Mon and Tsukiko start talking to him. He glanced at me and I smiled making him smile back. Chokichi was talking to Aomi and stopped when I walked up to them.

Choki:Hey Shichi.

Me:Hey guys. What's up?

Aomi:The fact that I need a refill.

Aomi left me and Chokichi standing there. Weird. I thought her cup was already full. I turned to Chokichi and was about to say something when I felt a soft touch on my lips. Chokichi had pulled back and I realized he had just kissed me. He had on a bright red blush.

Choki:Aomi told me to do it.

Me:Better late than never. Just warn me next time.

He nodded his head and we just talked. I looked around at all my friends and family. I was happy to know them and lucky too. If not for them I would have stayed dead. I noticed Henshin in his kitten form heading for the food. I quickly grabbed him, swiped a few chips and took him to the stairs. I gave him the chips and told him to stay upstairs. He hissed at me but gladly accepted the chips and went up to my room. After a few hours, everyone left. Miki was the last to leave and thanked me for letting him come to the party. With that, he left and I helped Shoukku and Yoroshii clean up. I slumped onto the couch and thought about everything that had happened. About getting my powers, fighting demons, making new friends, defeating Hotaru, and also winning against Zenaku. Not to mention having the jewel. Yep. Life truly is sweet. I wouldn't change a thing about it.

Note:That's the end of the book. Hope you enjoyed all the action, blood, cussing (well maybe not the cussing), and the kiss. Bye.

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