Repairing Family Ties

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I looked at my brother and we were both angry. I could tell just by the tension in the air. He finally broke the chilling silence.

Shoukku:What do you mean I've never cared for you?

Me:You know what I mean. Ever since I was born, you never helped me through anything. You just sat by as I struggled!

I could feel the tears swelling in my eyes. This was the first time I wanted to cry. Shoukku looked at me with sad eyes.

Shoukku:I never left you alone. I always-

Me:No you didn't!

I cut him off because I didn't want to hear his lies. I know I'm just being childish.

Me:Do you know how many times I was picked on? How many times I had gotten into fights? You don't! I had to learn how to fight since my brother never helped me!

Shoukku:But I... I never knew.

Me:Never knew?! I always came home with bruises and you never knew?! You really are a jerk.

I tried to walk up the stairs to my room but Shoukku grabbed my arm. I tried to get away but he pulled me into a hug.

Shoukku:I'm sorry Shichi. But the reason I was always distant is because I was doing my best to care for you. I was trying to figure out what I would do when you got older and I would have to see my little sister grow up.

I could hear his heartbeat which seemed to tell me that every word he was telling me was the truth. I could feel the warm tears trickling down my cheeks. Damn him for being such a stupid big brother. I put my arms around his waist and cried into his shirt while he hugged me tighter.

Me:You're a jerk.

Shoukku:Yea. I know.

The next day, I didn't wake up until noon. Crying takes a lot out of you. I looked at Henshin who was next to me on the pillow. He was a kitten this time. For some reason, he changes form while asleep. I scratched his ear and he opened his eyes. They were the only things that didn't change and I liked that. That meant I could always see that bright color of yellow with black slits. He purred and I got dressed and went downstairs to find my favorite breakfast of scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, and chocolate milk. I looked at Shoukku who smiled. I sat down and began eating. Yoroshii had already ate and was in the living room watching TV. When I was done, I put my plate in the sink and sat down next to Yoroshii and Shoukku sat next to me. It was the rare occasion where we all sat with each other and watched TV. We liked to watch scary movies so we turned it over to Ghost Adventures. I know it sounds boring but I'm happy as long as I can watch it with my family.

NOTE:Sorry for getting mushy on that last part and not having any action but you need a relaxer sometimes in stories and animes. There will be more action in the next chapter.

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