Chapter 21. Just in time

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"Hey, bro! You're home?" Someone said from the other side of the room.

Jen's POV

Eric threw curses under his breath.

I still couldn't move.

Someone was in the other room, that person had entered the apartment with a key, I mean, whoever it was, he could have arrived a few minutes later and we... 

I'm half-naked, for God's sake!

This is too embarrassing.

Eric looked at me, could see the surprise reflected in his eyes.

"You stay here, I'll be right back," he said.

"I don't plan to go anywhere," I said even without being able to move.

Eric left the room, closing the door behind him violently.

I hesitated for a few seconds, didn't know what to do. I tried to listen to something but I couldn't. I heard footsteps in the other room and then Eric said something, I guess.
The anxiety was killing me, so I jumped out of bed and ran for the door, I could hear another male voice talking to Eric.
I stopped behind the door so I could hear better.

At this moment I feel like a complete idiot.

"You should've called me," Eric said.

"Well, I never called you before coming."

"You should start doing it."

"Ok, what the hell is going on here?"

"I...It's" Eric was nervous, I could feel it without even seeing him.

"You have company?"


"A woman? Oh, my God! Are you with a woman here? You have to be kidding." The male voice sounded much sharper this time.

Yeah, Eric has a girl in his room. And that girl, it's me. So, what's the big deal?

"Keep your voice down, Ryan!"


I can't just stay here, I need to see the face of that man, I really need to know who he is and why he has the keys to Eric's apartment.

I had my hand on the doorknob when I remembered that Eric had told me he had a brother. 

Of course!

I was ready to leave the room when I heard something that stopped me.

"I can't believe after all this time you—

  —Can you shut your mouth?" Eric was upset.

Enough! I am out of here.

And I did.

The man who was with Eric turned around when he heard my footsteps.
His jaw dropped because of the surprise, I suppose he must have recognized me.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you guys but I was starting to get bored in there," I said.

The guy blinked frantically before he could say a word.

I think I have to introduce myself.

And when he was about to do it, Eric was the one who started talking.

"Ryan, let me introduce you to—

"Jennifer Morrison," he said.

 I was right, he had recognized me.

"And you're...

"Ryan!" he said.

Eric cleared his throat, "Jen, he's my little brother."

"Just brother," Ryan said glaring at Eric.

"Nice to meet you, 'just brother'," I said.

He laughed.

"What were you waiting for to tell me that you're dating with Jennifer Morrison?" 

Earth, swallow me.

I looked at Eric, I was worried about what he might say to his brother. We're not dating, we've barely seen each other a couple of times, I mean, it's not that we're ... okay, I don't know what this is.

"We're not dating, we're just... I'm not— Eric was stammering.

  —We were just hanging out," I said.

Can this be even more awkward?  

Eric noticed it.

"Please keep your mouth shut, can you?" Eric threw a defiant glance at his brother.

"You know you can trust me," Ryan said and then  looked at me. He hesitated for a few seconds and then held out his hand, "Nice to meet you too, Jennifer."


"So, why the surprise?" I asked Eric when we were alone again.


"Your brother," I said. "He seemed surprised that you were with a woman." 

"Oh. That..."Eric seemed to be searching for the right words to answer. "It's just that I've been alone for a long time."


"I lost the person I loved, after that, there was no one else in my life."


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