Chapter 25

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Last chapter!!! :)

Chapter 25

January 2, 2013

"Will you swear on your life that no one will cry at my funeral?"


I stared at myself in the mirror, trying to figure out my tie. I'd never really learned; the last few years, Bree had laughed when I messed up, and done for me.

I felt another tear roll down my cheek. They hadn't stopped since that night.

I let out a frustrated sigh, which was about the eightieth today, and walked into the guest bed room where Austin was getting ready.

"I can't tie a fucking tie." I said, walking over to him.

He stood his place on the bed, and nodded weakly. Austin had barely spoken since Christmas, aside from the three concerts that we'd had. We flew back in town yesterday, and helped her mom finish getting everything set up for the funeral.

When he finished tying my tie, and slowly sat back down on the edge of the bed.

"We should go soon." he stated after a minute.


Bree was to be buried in the same cemetery as her best friend, and in the closest available stop near him, which just so happened to be one spot to his left.

There were a lot of people who said really nice things about her, but they didn't really know the real her. They knew the Bree that her mother wanted everyone to know.

Finally, it was my turn. I hesitantly stood at the podium, and stared straight at the casket for a moment.

"What everyone else said was beautiful, and I don't think I can't really top that. All I have to say is that I want the people here to know the real Bree. She'd really changed in the last month of her being with us. She spent every day with Austin and I after Mitch's accident, and we could see her change. She was emotional, and hard to control, and you could tell exactly was she was thinking the whole time." I said. "I love her with all my heart, and I'm glad that she loved me back, at least for a short amount of time."

I didn't want to say any more. Kenadee wiggled out of her mother's arms, and ran straight up to me. I picked her up, and held her so the small crowd could see. "You wanna say something, babygirl?" I asked, slowly rocking back and forth.

She set her head against my shoulder, and nodded slowly. "I miss Bree, she was my best friend. I'm glad she's back with my daddy now, though."

There was a chorus of 'awe's, and I let her back down. We walked over to my seat, and she hopped back on my lap.

Then Austin stood up. He spoke about what a great friend she was, even when she was going trough so much. "I know what she'd been through, for hell was my life." he said at the end, inspiring the song Glass Hearts, which he started writing as soon as he got home that day.


May 6, 2013

"I think you're doing fine, Alan."the therapist, who Austin and I were basically forced to go see after Bree, said.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"You're leaving for tour tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded. "That's good. It's good for you to get out."

"I guess. I still miss her..."

"And you will for a very long time. When you grow so attached to someone, it's heard to let them go..."


And that's it, guys. Tell me what you think! I really liked writing story, except for the last few chapters.... anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it, because you guys are awesome. :) check out my other stories?

xx Sarah

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