Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Have you ever really danced on the edge? Is something still scaring you?

Have you ever really danced on the edge? The count of three is up

Have you ever really danced on the edge? All right, then, tell me so

Have you ever really danced on the edge? Just hold my hand and jump"


I sat on the couch in the garage while they practiced. I loved watching my friends' bands practice. I always loved being able to be there for them. I then began thinking of my best friend. Big surprise. And about the first time we met.

I was a freshmen, getting picked on by the upperclassmen because of the music I listened to, and the way I dressed. I stood, back up against the lockers, bracing for the impact that was supposed to come to my face. I let out a large 'oof' as the fist connected with my cheek, and slid my back down to the ground, clutching my face. Out of no where, someone yanked my tormentors away. The person screamed something at them, and they snickered, then left. My savior kneeled down next to me, putting their strong arms around my shaking figure for comfort. "It's okay, I've got you." He cooed.

"W-who are you?" I asked through my sobs.

"My name's Mitch." He replied, and pulled me closer to him.

I tuned back in when I heard my name being called.

"Huh?" I asked, puzzled.

"Did you like it?" Alan asked. I nodded, and smiled, even though I only heard the first three seconds of the song. They all smiled at me, and decided it was break time.

While they were all messing around, I thought more about my close friend.

We sat on my bed, talking about nothing and everything all at once. He smiled at me. We'd been friends for two years, and we were excited to be juniors. "You're the best thing to ever happen to me." Mitch smiled.

I hugged him tight, "You're always gonna be my best friend, and no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to get rid of me." I said, and he chuckled. He nodded, and kissed my forehead.

"Whatca thinking about?" Alan asked, pulling me into a hug, trying to ease my obvious distress.

"High school." I replied simply, and he nodded.

"If you ever wanna talk about it, I'm here, okay?" he added. i nodded. Austin called to resume the practice, so Alan kissed my cheek, and stood up to get his guitar.

I was happy that Alan was my friend now. He didn't really have a great start to our friendship.

Mitch was dragging me to a party, so I had gotten dressed in my normal skinny jeans, band t-shirt, and black beanie. When we walked through the door, Mitch grabbed my hand, and pulled me toward two men. One had really, really red hair, but I knew it was natural, and the other was tall, lanky, and had dark hair tucked under a beanie, along with a nose ring. "Bree, this is Austin and Alan. They're from Of Mice & Men. Guys, this is my best friend, Bree." Mitch introduced us. I waved, and smiled at each of them. We separated after a bit of talking, and I went to get myself a drink. As soon as I turned from the table, cup in hand, I ran straight into Alan, knocking both of our drinks all over him.

"What the fuck!?" he yelled.

"I'm so, so sorry, Alan." I attempted to dry him off with my sleeve, but he just pushed past me, and walked into the large crowd.

I chuckled at the memory, and turned my attention back to the boys as they began their next song, The Flood.


Author's Note.

This was a bit of a filler chapter, and yeah. How are you liking it so far? comment, rate, follow me, inbox me, give me suggestions?

xx Sarah.

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