Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Alan's Point of View

"Leave the scene smelling of dead roses..."


It was close to 3 in the morning, and Shanty and Madii had left already. They said they'd come back after they both finished work that afternoon.

Austin was asleep in a chair in the corner of Bree's room, and I was sitting with my legs tucked against my chest in a chair next to her bed. She hadn't woken up, and she hadn't moved. The doctors still told me there was barely any chance she'd wake up. They kept trying to get me to call her family.

I just continued refusing on the grounds that I knew she'd be fine. She'd wake up any moment, and smile at me, and ask me why I looked so sad, and why she was in the hospital. I'd tell her it was nothing, and she'd just smile at me again.

No such luck so far. I couldn't sleep; believe me, I tried. Since I'd been sitting in the hospital room for almost 12 hours, I decided, against my own mind, to go walk around the hospital, and get myself some food. I was only gone for maybe ten minutes. As I walked back down the hallway in which her room was, I noticed a bunch of nurses rushing toward a room. After a few more seconds, realization hit me.

"Bree." I whispered, dropping my cup of coffee on the ground, and sprinting right into the room. Austin was staring wide-eyed, looking like he was still half asleep, and had no idea what was going on.

I rushed into the room, only to be pushed right back out, along with Austin, by a nurse. "I'm sorry, sir, but you two have to stay out of the room while they work on her." The nurse said, holding us both back.

I tried to struggle against his arms, but to no avail. I finally collapsed against the wall, and felt my eyes brim with tears. Austin dropped down right next to me, and began sobbing along with me. I slammed my head against the wall, and let out a frustrated yell.

Everything in the room went silent, except for a long, droning beep.

"Time of death, 4:18 am, December 25, 2012." I heard someone say.

I completely broke down. That was it. I stood up, pushed all of the nurses out of the way, and ran straight to her bed. I grabbed her hand, and leaned over her still body, whispering the same thing over and over, "I love you, don't leave. I love you, Bree. Don't leave me!"

The nurses all left the room silently, and Austin collapsed next to the bed, crying harder than before.

"Don't go, I can't do this on my own." I mumbled against her hand, which I had pressed to my face. "Save me from the ones that haunt me in the night. I can't live with myself, so stay with me tonight." I recited the lines of her favorite song, hoping she'd respond with the next few, like she always did.

But she didn't.

She didn't move.

She didn't breathe.

She felt colder than she already had.

She had no heart beat.

And I felt my heart break inside my chest.

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