Chapter 19

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I decided to add 2 characters as old friends. :) Thanks to Shanty (xxshantyxx) and Madeline (maddy1299) for volunteering and stuff! Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 19

"Your past has you by the throat, you not got to heaven but you got real close..."


That evening, I decided to go out alone for a while. I pulled on a black dress that went down to mid-thigh, and my Vans; I don't wear heels. I stuffed twenty dollars into my bra, along with my phone, and left my apartment. I decided it'd be better if I walked the few blocks to the nearest bar, so I did.

I was ushered in, as headed straight to the bar, ignoring the bustling people around me. I ordered a beer, and sat in a corner, observing the people. When I wasn't paying attention, I was tapped on the shoulder. I quickly turned around, and saw two faces I didn't think I'd see ever again.

"Bree?" Madeline asked, squinting at me.

"Madii!" I screeched, pulling her into a hug. I looked past her, and grinned at the other woman, "Shanty!" I pulled Shanice into a hug as well.

"Funny seeing you here." Shanty replied, smiling back at me. "Are you alone?"

"Yeah. I just wanted to get away from everyone, you know?" I said.

"I got you, girl!" Madii beamed at me. "Come dance with us!" She grabbed both of our hands, and dragged us into the crowd of sweaty people. We spent the next few hours dancing, drinking, and catching up before we all agreed to leave, seeing as it was late, and we were tired.

I stumbled onto the sidewalk, followed by my old friends. "You guys can come back to my apartment if you want! I don't wanna leave you, I love you two!" I slurred, trying to walk right. "It's just down the road."

"Sounds awesome!" Shanty laughed. We chatted drunkenly as we walked, and finally made it to the apartment complex in which I lived. They pulled off their heels, and we walked up to my door. I quickly unlocked it, and led them inside.

I gave the two sweatpants to sleep in, along with tank tops, and we settled into the living room while watching Disney movies until we fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning with my head pounding. Neither Shanty nor Madii were awake, so I decided to find Advil, and make breakfast. I guess they smelled it in their sleep, because both of them shot right up, and ran in, sitting at the table. I handed them water and Advil, then the eggs that I'd made.

I looked at each of them and smiled. Shanty really hadn't changed much since senior year, which was the year I'd met her, and the last time I'd seen her. She moved onto my block in the middle of the summer before we became seniors, and we really hit it off. Her hair had grown out a bit, but still had the blue tips at the end of the brown. To say the least, she was still

as gorgeous as she was back then, which was almost ten years ago.

Madii, on the other hand, changed a ton. She was a bit paler than in high school, and she had blonde and red streaks in her brown hair. I'd met Madii in seventh grade, but didn't really start hanging out with her until junior year, when she started dating Mitch's friend, James. Her face was still the same, just a bit aged, but I think she looked better now than she ever had before.

"So, now that we're not highly intoxicated, I wanna catch up with you guys!" I grinned, plopping down in the chair across from them. "What've you been doing?"

Shanty was the first to answer, "I moved to San Diego with my boyfriend last year." She grinned. "His name is Tony. He's in a band called Pierce the Veil." She seemed like she was dreaming of him, a content smile playing at her lips.

"You're dating Tony Perry?" I spit out the water I'd been drinking.

"Yes! Are you a fan?" She squealed.

"Not exactly. I know him, though. I haven't seen Tony in ages!" I threw my hands up, smiling.

"How do you know him?" She asked.

"You remember, Mitch, right?" They nodded. "He was in a band, Suicide Silence, and I used to go on tours with him. I met a ton of bands through him."

"Shanty and Tony got me my boyfriend, Justin Hills. You know, from Sleeping With Sirens. I also moved to Flint, Michigan with my brother." Madii grinned.

"Oh my gosh, Kellin is a great friend of mine." I smiled back. Speaking of him, I need to call him later.

"What about you, Bree? How've you been?" Madii asked.

"Well, uh, Mitch died last month." I sighed. They both gasped. "But, Austin, from Of Mice & Men, is a close friend of mine. He helped me through that. And I was taking care of Kenadee, Mitch's kid, for a while. Then Alan asked me out."

"Ashby!?" They asked in unison. I laughed, and nodded.

"What?" I heard from the front of the apartment, after hearing the door open and close.

"Alan! Come meet some of my old friends!" I shouted to him. Shanty and Madii wiggled their eyebrows, and smirked. I stuck my tongue out at him as Alan placed a small kiss on my cheek.

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