Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"Don't rain on my parade."


My jaw literally dropped. I stayed silent for a few moments, and I knew it was killing him. I didn't know he liked me. Jesus, fuck, I sound like a twelve year old, but whatever. I quickly nodded my head, grinning. A wide smile spread across his face, and he looked like he was about to accept a Grammy or some shit.

"Oh, thank god!" He yelled, his smile widening, if at all possible.

"When, and where, ginger princess?" I asked, sitting on the counter.

He stood directly in front of me, slowly inching toward me. "How about tomorrow? I'll pick you up around noon-ish?" He questioned. I nodded, and hopped off the counter once more. He recieved a text, my guess was it was from Austin, because he sighed, and said, "I've gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See ya." I said, hugging him for some unknown reason. He pulled away, and kissed my cheek, before running out the door. Within a few minutes, Kenadee walked in the apartment again, smiling widely.

"Hey, girlie!" I exclaimed as we sat on the couch.

"Hi, Bree!" She replied, turning on the television. "I think you'll like what Austin got you for Christmas."

"Oh, really?" I asked, and then realized I needed to find someone to watch her tomorrow. "Hey, Ken. Do you mind if Austin watches you tomorrow?" I asked her.

"He can take me shopping for you gift!" She yelled.

I laughed, and nodded, dialing his number. "Hello?" He answered.

"Can you watch Kenadee tomorrow?" I asked, trying to bite back a smile.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He dragged out the 'Oh,' for about 30 seconds, and I was beginning to get annoyed. "Of course! I love that kid!"

"Alright. Come over around 11." I said, and he replied with an okay, before we said our goodbyes, and hung up. I set my phone down, and Kenadee and I watched television for a few hours. She began to fall asleep, so I picked her up, and carried her to my bed, tucking her small body into the covers. I continued to watch t.v. until I fell asleep.

Kenadee woke me up at around 10 the next morning, asking for food. "How about pancakes?" I asked, following her into the kitchen. She nodded eagerly, going on about how much she loved pancakes while I made her breakfast. I sat her down to eat in front of the t.v., and went to take a shower. I washed my hair and body, and shaved my legs, then got out, dried my hair, and went to find clothes. I pulled on some black skinny jeans, an Anthem Made t-shirt, and my gray and black vans. I brushed my teeth, straightened my hair, and went back out to the front room.

I grabbed her now empty plate, and put it in the sink. There was a loud knock on the door, and Kenadee ran to get it. I followed her, and Austin rushed in, tackling me with a bone-crushing hug. He let go abruptly, letting me fall straight on my ass, and rushed to the kitchen. "Food!" He screamed, putting the extra pancakes on his plate, and slathering them with butter and syrup. He joined us on the couch, and we watched random interviews until another knock. I ran to get it, and swung it open, only to reveal my mother again.

"I thought you were supposed to come yesterday." I sighed, letting her in.

"I decided not to. I came by to tell you that I'm leaving today. Goodbye, Brianna." She stated, looking around my small apartment, and scrunching her nose up as she noticed Austin. "Why is he here?"

"One, he's my best friend. Two, he's watching Kenadee until I get home." I replied, sitting next to Austin.

"Is he watching her here?" She almost yelled.


"Why? Do you trust him with your house?" She snapped.

"I trust him with my life." I said, and yet another knock came from the door. I rushed to get it, pulling Alan inside. "We'll be back later, Austin. Love you guys! Goodbye, mother." I said, grabbing my wallet and phone, and followed Alan out to his car. He opened the car door for me, and I smiled, sitting down. He rushed to the other side, and slid in before starting the engine.

"So, where to?" I asked, looking over at him after a few minutes of driving.

"The beach!" He yelled, pulling into the parking lot a few moments later.

"I didn't bring my swimsuit." I said, laughing as we both got out of the car.

"Neither did I." He replied, grabbing my hand, and walking on the smooth sand. We walked for a bit, and sat down in the sand near the water. He still had his fingers tangled in mine, and I smiled down at our linked hands.

I noticed him glance over at me, so I turned my head to look at him and smiled. "I..uh.." He stuttered. I giggled, and he continued, "I..uh..really like you, Bree."

I chuckled at his nervousness, and smiled brightly at him. "I really like you, too." I said.

He grinned at me, and stood up quickly, pulling me up with him. "I'm hungry, let's eat!" He exclaimed, pulling me toward the pier.


Sorry for the gap in between updates! I'm gonna update again really soon! This is like part 1 of their date thingy. Tell me what you guys think!

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