Chapter 12

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I'm back! Yay! So, without further ado, Chapter 12. OH, by the way, I really have no problem with Jolie, I think she's gorgeous, and Mitch loved her. But she's just part of my story, so understand that.

Chapter 12

"The world is ugly, but you're beautiful to me..."

Alan and I got back to the house at about 9 o'clock. When we arrived, there was no trace left of my mother. Austin was lying on the couch, with Kenadee curled up under his arm, sleeping soundly. We walked in, setting our things down on the table. I looked over at the two sleeping bodies on my couch, and decided not to disturb either of them. I was really surprised either, let alone both of them, were sleeping this early.

Either way, I walked into my room, and quickly changed into a tank top, and some shorts, considering it was really fucking hot in my house.

When I got back out, Alan was sitting silently at the table, lying his head in his crossed arms. I walked up behind him, and he didn't notice until I put a hand on his back. "I should get going," He said, standing up quickly.

"You don't have to, you know." I mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear.

"It's okay, I don't want to bother you." He gushed, looking down.

I smiled, and grabbed his hand, leading him back into my bed room. "You aren't a bother. You look tired, you should sleep."

"Thanks." He replied, I nodded, and slid under the covers in my bed, leaving plenty of room for him.

He quickly removed his shoes, and shirt, and slid in next to me. As his breathing steadied, I felt him press himself against my back, and lay an arm across my waist. I smiled to myself, and whispered, "Goodnight, Ashby." Quickly falling asleep myself.


I woke up at about 9 the next morning, and even though I didn't want to, I detangled myself from Alan's arms.

I padded, silently, out to the kitchen, and began to clean up the mess Austin and Kenadee made the day before. Another half hour after that, there was a loud knocking on my front door. Wondering who it could be, I quickly pulled on the sweatshirt Austin had lying on the back of the couch so I didn't have to answer the door in short shorts and a tank top. I quickly flung the door open, and put on a fake smile at the two people in the hallway.

"Hello, Jolie." I said, inviting her in. We walked to the kitchen.

"I'm here to pick up my child." She stated, matter-of-factly, putting her hands on her hips. The man who was accompanying her just stood there awkwardly.

I let out a breath, and walked over to the couch, looking at my best friend, and the child lying there, sleeping still. Jolie had a look of disgust plastered on her face, but I ignored it. I knelt down to eye level, and shook Austin's shoulder. When he woke up, he rubbed his eyes, and took in his surroundings. "Will you get Kenadee awake, and changed while I gather her things?" I asked, to which he nodded. I walked into my bedroom, setting an outfit on the dresser for Austin to pick up for her, and began shoving her other things in a bag.

As I was doing this, I felt arms wrap around my waist, and a chin rest on my shoulder. I smiled, and placed my hands over Alan's leaning my head on top of his. "What're you doing?" He asked, eyeing the bag.

"Jolie's here to pick up Kenadee." I sighed.

"Damn, I'm going to miss that kid." He groaned, and helped me make sure all her things were in there.

When we finished, I brought her bag out to the living room, with Alan following close behind me. Austin had her get dressed, and Jolie was impatiently tapping her foot. I handed her the bag, and she reluctantly thanked me. I knelt down, and said my goodbyes to the child whom I loved more than anything. I hugged her tightly, and she almost refused to let go.

"Hey, you can call me whenever you want." I cooed, detaching her arms from my neck.

She nodded. "I love you, Bree."

"I love you, too, babydoll." I kissed her forehead, before her mother pulled her away, and out the door.

I sighed, and slumped onto the couch. Alan sat down next to me, and laid his head on my lap. I played with the hair on the side of his head while he stared intently up at me.

"You'd make a good mom." He stated randomly.

"Hardly." I scoffed.

"I was meaning to ask you, but I didn't know how long Kenadee would be here. Do you want to come on tour with us?" He asked, referring to their tour which would be starting up in about a week.

"Are you sure everyone would be okay with that?" I asked, twirling his red hair around my fingers.

"Are you stupid?" Austin yelled from the kitchen. "Of course, everyone's fine with that. THEY LOVE YOU ALMOST AS MUCH AS WE DO!"

I laughed lightly at my best friend. "Sure, I'll go." I replied, loud enough for Austin to hear me as well.

Alan grinned up at me, and I bent down to kiss his lightly. Just to my luck, Austin walked in right then, and groaned. "Just no constant sex on the bus! Other people live on there, too!" He yelled.

I chuckled, and leaned back on the couch.

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