Chapter 15

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The link to the interview I'm basing this part off of is to the side :) I'm obviously adding a bunch of stuff in, but you know, whatever. Hope you enjoy. :)

Chapter 15

I woke up a few hours later with Austin's feet on my chest. I immediately pushed them off, but fell off the couch and onto the floor with a thud. All the other guys were awake, and laughing at me. I laughed along, and stood up.

"Guys, you have an interview in an hour, wake Austin up, and get ready." I heard someone shout from the front of the bus.

"Oh, can I come?" I asked, giving them the puppy dog face. (A/N when I first wrote that, I accidentally put puppy god face, and laughed for like a straight minute. I felt the need to share that. xx) They all nodded, and I smiled. I turned to Austin, and began shaking him, but he didn't respond like usual. I sighed, got up, walked around the back of the couch, and it took me a minute, but I pushed him off, and onto the floor. He groaned, which earned more laughs than it had already.

"What?" He complained.

"You have an interview in an hour." I stated, jumping over, and occupying his previous spot.

He mumbled something while giving me the finger, and walking out of the room. Eventually, the hour was up, and we all made our way to where the interview was being shot. Aaron, Austin, and Alan all sat with this lady who had short, pink hair.

"What's up? This is Of Mice & Men," Austin said, while Alan was beside him, waving his finger, and drinking out of a bottle of beer. Austin looked over at him, and laughed. "Yeah! And you're watching PitCam TV." They cut off the camera for a minute, and talked to each other. Alan handed me his beer, and winked. I laughed, and took a drink.

The lady looked into the camera, and introduced herself. Austin began whispering something at her, and she started laughing. "And I'm here with these three nutjobs. Do you want to introduce yourselves?"

"I'm Aaron." He said, into his microphone.

I leaned over to Phil. "Who gave Aaron his own microphone?" I asked, laughing quietly. He chuckled, and shrugged.

"My name is Austin." He said.

"I'm Alan." He stated, sounding either high or drunk. Or just stupid. Eh, whatever. Either way, i chuckled at him.

"Hm, so, we're just going to a lot of random questions today." The lady said. i didn't quite catch her name, but whatever.

Austin quickly grabbed Aaron's microphone. "I have a question for Alan." He said, smirking at me.

"Okay?" She said.

"Is that a hickey on your neck?" He asked, making everyone laugh.

Alan quickly clapped his hand over his neck, and I went red. "No." He said, too quickly.

"Okay, okay. What is your favorite city in the world? That you've been to." She asked.

"Wherever you are." Austin whispered.

"LA." Alan said, winking subtly at me. I rolled my eyes, and something caught my attention in the distance. A few moments later, I heard him say, "I'm not an adult, I'm a baby."

"Ha, you've got that right!" I said without thinking, but clamped my hand over my mouth quickly.

"That's offensive! That's mean!" Alan said, laughing.

"I'm sorry." I said, laughing hysterically. They all laughed at my comment, and continued their interview. I kept tuning out, but when I would begin paying attention again, I kept hearing the weirdest things.

Once, Aaron was like "My favorite super hero is Mr. Freeze. Things nobody ever says."

Another time, he whispered into his mic, "I don't know what's going on." Just loud enough for me to hear, and looking straight at me. I laughed, and shrugged.

"Wait, what's the blue girl's name? The hot one?" Alan asked.

I thought for a second. "Mystique!" I shouted. "I'm sorry, I'll be quiet." I said, covering my mouth again.

"Wait, so who is this?" She asked, pointing at me.

"That's Bree!" Austin mused, smiling. "She was Mitch's best friend." He then turned to Alan, and waggled his eyebrows.

"She's my girlfriend." Alan said suddenly, making me choke on the beer that I'd just taken a drink out of. I didn't mind, but it just surprised me that he said it so nonchalantly.

"That's so cute!" She said. I handed Alan his beer back, and stood beside Tino and Phil again. They finished after a few more funny comments and discussions.

"I'm down for scaly naked girls." Austin said.

They also talked about the fact Austin couldn't ride rollercoasters, and was always the one to stay with him at Disneyland and stuff.

"I rode one once, it was the longest wooden rollercoaster is called the Beast." He said.

"Is that a sexual joke?" Alan asked.

"No! Remember when we went to Cincinnati, because Bree took you, me, and Mitch when she went back to see her uncle or something. She lived there until she was like 13." Austin argued, making me laugh.

And finally, my favorite was when Aaron said, "The Spice Girls are my favorite boy band."

When it was over, we all walked towards the stage where they'd be playing. I watched their set, and everything. They really did interact with their fans a lot, and I loved that about them.

After the show, they made me put on something suitable for a club, and that's where we went. Alan, Austin, and I went straight to the bar, ordering a bunch of shots.


This chapter is shit, but I'm gonna keep writing a bunch today. Yay. be happy. DUDE. i was looking through pictures of Alan on google, and the cover of this story popped up a few rows from the top. I nearly had a heart attack. GO SARAH

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