Chapter 11

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His arms left my waist, and he turned and ran to the door. "Carl!" I yelled, but he slammed the door behind him.

I ran to the window. I saw him pressed against the door, quickly taking out walkers with his knife. There was at least a hundred now. "He can't handle this all on his own," I mumbled to myself. "Oh, fuck this."

I grabbed my knife and stuck it in my boot, and then grabbed my pistol. Since Carl was backed against the door, I pushed open the window. As I was climbing out, I heard Carl yelling to me. "Lexi, what are you doing?! Get back inside!"

"No way!" I yelled back. "There's a hundred walkers out here, do you really think I'm letting you handle this alone?"

Carl was about to say something, but a walker knocked him over and starting biting at him. Carl quickly shanked it in the head, and pushed it off of himself. Suddenly, we heard a low rumbling noise that we soon understood to be an engine.

Carl pushed himself up and stood on his toes, looking over the giant hoard surrounding us. I stood up carefully on the window sill, and I saw a motorcycle.

Daryl jumped off his bike, keeping it running. "Holy shit!" he yelled. "You two got yourselves into some trouble, didn't you?"

I don't think I'd ever been happier to see a redneck with a crossbow in my entire life. "Daryl!" Carl yelled, more walkers closing in on him.

I saw that Daryl wasn't getting to Carl, so I jumped off my window sill and made my way over to him. "Hang in there, Carl," I said, stabbing a walker in the head and throwing it to the side.

An arrow went through another one's head. I turned to see Daryl emerging from the herd. He smacked a walker with his crossbow. I grabbed the other one and stabbed it twice, kicking it off to the side. I grabbed Carl's hand, and pulled him up. Daryl picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, and then he tried to grab Carl, but Carl pulled away and went for the bag. "Carl!" Daryl yelled, but Carl grabbed the bag anyway.

Carl came running back and Daryl grabbed Carl's arm. "Lets go," Daryl said, and he took off in a dead sprint.

When we reached his bike, he disposed of the walkers surrounding it and placed Carl on the back and me on his lap, and he drove away as quickly as he could.

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