Chapter Eight

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Carl sat with me on my bed, not saying anything. We sat there in silence, Carl only about four inches away from me. I felt butterflies because he was so close to me. Finally, he broke the silence. "Do you wanna... Talk about it?"

I looked at him. I sighed, and nodded. "We all lived in a big house. It was me, my mom, my dad, and my little brother. And then... It... Happened, and we all stayed in the house. Just with the doors always locked and guns always within reach. I was fine, but my little brother wasn't. One day, no one could find him. There was food, water, a pistol, and some ammo missing. We figured he ran away. No one went to look for him because we didn't know how dangerous it really was. ...He was the first to go. Then my mom, she didn't like being locked in the house. I think at one point she lost her mind. One day, she was fighting with my dad and she just unlocked the door and threw it open, firing shots into the streets, to draw all the walkers to us. My dad and I just stood there in terror. There was a giant horde with more on the way, and all my mom said was: 'I'm going to find Michael.' And then she dropped back into the horde. She was the second to go. My dad and I packed up all our stuff and left, because it was too dangerous to stay there now. And about five months ago he was struck down by walkers, and well, here I am."

He sat there, as if he knew I had more to say. "And I..." I paused, not knowing the right words. "...I wish I could have talked to Michael. Convinced him to stay. I wish I could have done something to save my mom. Calmed her down. And I wish I could have gone with my dad. I could have saved him... Or died with him..."

Tears came to my eyes, and rolled down my cheeks. "I'm glad you didn't go with your dad," Carl said softly.

I looked at him, and he was looking at me. "What?" I asked.

"I'm glad that you didn't go with your dad, because, if you had... Died, then I would have never been able to meet you."

I looked up at him. His brilliant blue eyes peered down at me. "Well I..." I had to say it. "I think you're," How do I word this? "I think you're really, really great. And I think I lo-"

"What are you two doing?" We whirled around to see Daryl leaning at the doorway.

"We're just talking," Carl said.

Daryl chuckled. "Sure."

"What is it, Daryl?" Carl asked.

"Nothing," Daryl said. "Your dad wanted me to check on y'all because he saw Lexi cryin'."

"I'm okay now," I said quietly.

"Well alright then," Daryl said. "You two can go back to your 'talking' then."

Daryl turned and left. I looked at Carl. "You were saying?" he said.

"What I was saying is that... Look, Carl, you've been so sweet to me. You're so nice, and great, and perfect. And I know you won't feel the same way but I... I think I love you."

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