Chapter Ten

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We all left the med block, closing the door softly behind us. Carl turned to me. "Lexi, I need to-"

"Hey, Lexi and Carl! There you two are," we turned to see Glenn and Maggie approaching us.

"You two interested in doing a little job for us?" Maggie asked.

"What is it?" Carl asked.

"We need someone to run into town, to pick up some ammo. Do you two think you can handle it?"

"Sure," I said.

"How about you, Carl?" Glenn asked.

"Yeah, sure."

"Alright. When you have it, just bring it up to the guard tower."

They turned and walked away, and I looked over at Carl. "Ready?" I asked.

"Ready when you are," he responded.

The walk to town was silent. I wasn't complaining, I didn't know what to say to him. We arrived, and went straight to the guns and ammo store. The doors were locked, with two pieces of plywood covering them so we couldn't see inside. "Well, now what?" I asked.

"I'll have to pick the lock," he replied.

Using his knife, he quickly picked the lock. He pulled the door open, and gestured for me to go first. I slid in past him, holding up my gun. As I noticed that there were no walkers, I lowered it and looked around.

Carl had swept an entire shelf of ammo into the duffel bag, so I went over with all the ammo I could grab, and dumped it into the bag. He chuckled at me, and zipped the bag shut.

As wee we're walking out of the store, we heard a gunshot somewhere. Scared, we glanced at each other. Then we jogged in the direction of the shot. We came to a house a little ways away from the small town, swarmed with walkers. "Shit!" Carl exclaimed.

The walkers turned to us, all slowly making their way after us. Carl grabbed my wrist, and we ran into a house, locking ourselves in. "Is that secure?" I asked.

"For now, it's good enough," he replied.


"What is it?"

"Where's the bag of ammo?"

"Huh...?" he looked around. He ran to a window. "Oh shit!"

I looked out the window. In the midst of the swarm, was the duffel bag.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he fell to the couch, throwing his hat off and putting his face in his hands.

"We'll just go back without it." I picked his hat up an placed it on his head. "I mean, there's at least two hundred walkers out there. They'll understand if we just-"

"I'm going to get it."

"What? Carl no, it's too dangerous."

"I'm going to get it, Lexi. We can't just show up empty handed."

"No, Carl."

"Why not?" he stood, moving closer to me.

"You- you'll get hurt," I answered quietly. "If anything happened to you, I mean, Carl, I-"

His hand stroked my cheek. "Lexi," he breathed. "I love you too."

His arms wrapped around my waist, and my arms around his neck. Before I even knew it was happening, ours lips connected.

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