Chapter Three

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I followed Carl out and into the yard, and everyone was out there. They were all around the yard, and they all seemed to be doing a job. A woman with short, gray hair crossed over to me. "You the new girl?" she asked.

"That's me," I said.

"Got a name?"


"Hi Lexi," she said. "I'm Carol. Rick give you a job yet?"

I shook my head. "Well, I know that Carl has a job to do right now, so I'll show you around while Carl goes to do that."

She looked at Carl, and he reluctantly walked away. "Come on," she said. "I'll introduce you to everybody."

Carol took me up to the guard tower, where a boy and a girl were keeping watch. "Have you two met Lexi yet?" Carol asked.

"I haven't," the girl said. "Hi Lexi, I'm Maggie and this is Glenn."

Glenn looked over at me. "Hi Lexi. Oh, and sorry for sort of yelling at you earlier. I was just nervous, that's all."

"It's okay. We all get nervous these days."

He nodded and went back to keeping watch. "Come on," Carol said. "We should let them get back to it."

Carol took me back into the yard after she finished showing me around. Rick was out there, an he looked over at us and then started walking over. "There you are, Lexi," he said. "I got a job for you."


"Daryl, Carl and I were gonna go on a supply run to a nearby neighborhood," he said. "But I have to stay here and take care of some things, so I was wondering if you'd take my place?"

A supply run? That's dangerous. but I'd have Daryl and Carl with me. Carl was a good shot, and Daryl could handle a crossbow really well. "Yeah sure," I said.

"Great, thanks," he said. "They'll be waiting for you by the gate. Go on over when you're ready."

I went back to the cell to get my gun, and I see Carl in there. I walked in, and went straight to my bag. I unzipped it, and pulled out my pistol, my knife, and some bullets. I set my knife on the bed while I loaded my gun. Of course, the knife fell right off the bed and onto the floor. I reached down to pick it up, but Carl picked it up before I could. I looked up at him. He was holding it out to me. "Here," he said.

"Thanks," I said, taking the knife.

"You were in pretty rough shape back in the woods, huh?" he said sitting on my bottom bunk.

"Yeah, I was pretty dehydrated you know?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Why'd you do it?" I asked.

He looked up at me. "Why'd I do what?"

"Save me. You could have just kept walking, and left me to die. You didn't. Why?"

"I dunno. I guess I just believe that anyone has a chance to survive and I didn't want to see someone just give up like that."

"Yeah, I guess. I just wasn't thinking straight."

"Why didn't you fight them off?"

"Because my dad had died, I was dehydrated, and outnumbered. I figured I couldn't do anything and just waited for death."

"You shouldn't ever do that. A pretty- I- I mean, a girl like you should never think that you don't have a chance."

"Were you about to call me pretty?"

"What?" his cheeks turned red. "No."

We looked into each other's eyes, until Daryl shouting broke the silence. "Hey, you guys coming?" he asked.

"Yeah, we'll be right there," Carl said, grabbing his gun. "Come on, let's go."

I smiled. "Yeah, let's go."

I grabbed my stuff and followed them out.

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