Chapter Four

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When we arrived at the little neighborhood, Daryl turned to us. "Okay," he said. "Let's spread out. Carl, you take Lexi and get those houses," he gestured towards a row of houses. "I'll get the rest and we'll meet back here and go through what we got. Deal?"

"Deal," Carl said.

Carl led me to the first house, a large white house. He picked the lock with his knife. "You a good shot?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said. "Not to brag or anything."

He smiled. "Good, I need your help clearing this house. I'll go left, and you go right. If it's only a few walkers, use your knife. Okay?"

"Got it."

"Ready?" he asked.

I looked at him and smiled. "Ready."

"Okay, go."

I walked to the right, moving through the rooms, my knife in my hand. I came across some stairs, and slowly made my way up them. All the doors were open, except one. I walked up to it, and knocked on it. "Hello?" I whispered. "It's okay to come out now, we're safe."

Suddenly, there was banging on the door that was so strong it seemed the door would fall off its hinges. I fell to the floor, crawling backwards. The banging on the door continued, and I heard the walkers moaning on the inside.

Just as I had guessed, the door fell right off the hinges, and crashed to the floor and right onto my leg. "Ow!" I looked up to see six walkers crawl out of the room. "Shit..."

I gripped my knife tightly in my hand. My pistol had skid across the room when I fell, so I only had my knife. "Carl!" I yelled. "Carl, help!"

The walkers had made their way onto the door, crushing my leg underneath it. I stabbed the one closest to me, and it fell, still on the door. "Damn it..." I whispered. "CARL!"

The other five walkers all fell on the door, and were about to take a bite into my crushed leg, when a knife went into one's head. A knife went into all their heads, and I saw Carl there. "Holy hell, are you okay?" he asked, throwing the door off my leg.

"No," I said, rolling over. "I can't even use my damn leg."

"Did you get bit?" he asked.

"Don't think so," I responded, holding my leg in pain.

Carl grabbed my gun and reached down, picking me up, and carrying me marriage style. I reached up, and wrapped my arms around his neck, afraid he would drop me. "I've got you," he said softly.

He carried me out of the house, and back to the meeting place. He set me down gently on the ground, and handed me my gun. "Stay here," he said. "If there's any walkers," he handed me his silencer. "put this on your gun and take them out."

"Okay," I said.

"I'm gonna go clear the rest of the houses, okay? If you need anything, just yell."

"Carl?" I said, as he walked away.

"Yeah?" he said, turning around.

"Thanks for um, carrying me."

He smiled. "Anytime."

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. "Anytime?" I asked.

He didn't say anything, he just stood there for a second and smiled. "Take it easy," he said, as he walked away.


And I felt myself still smiling, even after he had left.

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