You and Me Vs. The World

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"Lexi, get down!" my dad whispered, as he grabbed me by my shoulder and pushed me down behind some bushes.

"Ow," I moaned, and when he shushed me I whispered, "what'd you do that for?"

"There's walkers around, and unless you fancy being eaten alive then I suggest you stay down until I tell you it's safe to get up."

Pulling my knife out of my pocket, I chuckled. " I could have handled a few walkers, dad."

He ignored me. "I'm gonna go scope out the perimeter. if I'm not back in an hour or so, assume I'm dead and move on."

"You can't possibly expect me to just leave you here."

"That's an order, not a choice."

With that, he slowly got up and tiptoed away. "What the hell am I supposed to do while I wait?" I whispered to him.

"I don't know... Count time?"

I heard him walk away. I listened to the leaves crunch under his feet until I couldn't hear them anymore. I sighed. "One, two, three..."

"57, 58, 59, 60. It's been an hour. The hell is taking him so long?"

I stood up and looked around. The coast was clear, as far as I could tell. I didn't dare call out to him. Make too much noise, and the walkers will be drawn to you like bees are drawn to honey.

After walking around for a little bit, I saw a walker bent over something, and stuffing it's face. I snuck up behind the walker, and shoved my knife through it's skull. I kicked it to the side. I gasped. "N-no..."

Laying there, stomach ripped open, bleeding all over the place, and long dead was my father. "Shit..."

Tears rolled down my cheeks. "Dad... What do I do now?"

I looked around. More walkers, coming my way. I had to move, and I had to move now. I turned around and knelt by my dad's corpse. I reached over, and shut his eyes. I took his rifle and his ammo, and sobbing like a fool, quickly dodged through the trees. There has to be somewhere else to go. There has to be.

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