Chapter Nine

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Carl looked me in the eyes and opened his mouth, as if about to say something. Suddenly we heard shouting. Carl and I jumped up and ran out of the cell block. "What's going on?" I asked Daryl, who was standing just outside of the cell block.

"They found some kid, passed out in the woods and bleeding like a stuck pig. They're scared I guess."

"Kid?" Carl asked. "How old?"

"Looked younger than you two. Maybe 11 or 12."

"Carl," I whispered. "What if it's Michael?"

He looked at me. We both took of running towards the medical block.

I burst through the doors first. They had him on a bed. It was Rick and Hershel. Rick looked up. They both had blood on their hands from carrying him. "Carl, Lexi, get out of here," Rick demanded.

"Let me see him," I said.

"What? No, Lexi, it's too gruesome. Now get out of here."

"Let me see him," I demanded again, louder this time.

Before Rick could respond, I pushed my way through. I examined him. The boy's face was frail, his arms and legs skinnier than it was healthy, and his lower stomach was torn open. But his dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes were familiar. "Maybe we should just give up on him, Hershel," Rick said.

"No!" I yelled. "You can't, Rick, you can't."

"Why not?"

"This is Michael. This is my brother. You HAVE to save him."

Hershel and Rick exchanged glances. "Alright," Hershel said. "But you and Carl have to go. We'll call you in when we're done."

"Thank you..." I breathed.

Carl pulled me out. He said nothing, which was good because I didn't know what to say to him. Suddenly the door to the med block opened, and Carl and I whirled around. Rick motioned for me to come in. "Do you want me to come with you?" Carl asked.

"I think I want to be alone... But thank you."

Rick and Hershel left me alone with Michael, closing the door softly behind them.

I pulled a chair up to his bedside, and waited for him to wake. I glanced down at the wound across his lower stomach. It was sown up, and I smiled. Suddenly, he started gasping for air and his dull eyes came to life, sparkling with fear. I smiled, tears rolling down my cheeks. As his breathing became regular, he looked up at me. "Michael..." I said, beaming down at him.

His confused squint turned to wide eyes of recognition. "Lexi!" he exclaimed, shooting up and wrapping his arms around my neck.

I wrapped my arms around him, crying into his shoulder. "I thought you were dead."

"I know," I could tell he was crying too. "I- I didn't really mean to run away. It's just that... One night, I got scared. I started packing. I heard noises, normal noises, but I just got up and ran. Even dad's snoring scared me. Speaking of, where are they?"

I paused. "Where's who?"

"Mom and dad."

The words sent stings through my heart. "Oh, Michael..."

"They- they're dead aren't they?"

Silently, I nodded. "So... what happened to your stomach?"

"To make a long story short, this guy thought I was stealing so he cut my stomach open and left me to die."

"Michael that- that's horrible."

"I'm just happy I found you," he said hugging me again.

I hugged him back. "I suppose you should meet everyone. Well, let's start with three."

I got up and went to the door. "Guys," I said, and they all turned around. "I want you to meet him."

"He's awake?" Hershel asked.

"He sure is," I said, smiling happily.

They all filed into the room after me. Hershel went over and knelt by the bedside. "Hi, son. I'm Hershel and I'm the doctor that sewed you up. And in fact, I think that it'd be best if you laid down instead of sitting up." He placed one hand gently on Michael's back, and one on his shoulder and softly laid him back. "There. Now you won't pop open again."

"Hi Michael. I'm Rick. I'm the leader of this group, and seeing as how you and Lexi are brother and sister, it looks like you've got a place to stay."

"Hey Michael, my name's Carl. How old are you?"

"Twelve," Michael replied sleepily.

Carl chuckled. "I'm fourteen, like your sister."

Michael nodded. "Well," Hershel said. "I guess we'll all leave you to get some rest Mr. Sleepy-pants. If you need anything yell out to me and I'll go get Lexi or whoever, okay?"

Michael nodded. I bent over and kissed his forehead. "Feel better Michael. I love you."

"I love you too, sis."

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