Chapter 3~ Guidance

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Authors note: Isis is pronounced Ice-ses

The two other wolves look at her, then another one comes out of the bushes, this one smaller than all of us. But then the larger wolf says "Hello, I'm Isis, Guardian of supernatural change. I know all of you." Her lips don't move but I can hear her saying things. "Ryan, Rebellious, and fun-loving," she continued "Selene, Royal hybrid, Alana, Large hunter,  Sandy, Shy innocence." Sandy was the smallest and obviously most weak looking, I could tell that Alana likes Ryan, Sandy and Alana wants to be my friend and Ryan wants to be together with me. "Introduce yourselves to each other." Isis says patiently. My eyes go to straight to sandy and my feet or well paws now just walk straight toward her.

"Hi, my name is Selene, yours is Sandy right?"

"Yeah, so your a hybrid of what?" she asked

"Vampire and werewolf and I'm also royal so apparently I have different powers than everyone here..."

Apparently she and I have been in the same school since the 4th grade, she and I have the same classes except 7th and 3rd periods. She comes from a broken home of yet more 'Not-you-real-parents-but-there-keeping-you' people. Her 'father' is abusive to her 'Mother'. So she's shy and skittish, she probably won't be cool and confident any time soon.

Ryan is a rich kid who, mostly just because he's rich, gets to do whatever the hell he wants all the time. He lives' with his real parents.

Alana automatically puts on a fake smile, she can tell that Ryan likes me and not her. She's a orange looking wolf. My guess is that she probably has orange hair in human form. It didn't even occurred to me what my fur color looked like. I looked at my paws -golden-brown. That's what I thought that means Sandy is blond, Ryan has black hair, and Isis has dark brown hair.

Isis started Immediately to teach us the basics, like eating, using the bathroom, walking, easy stuff like that. Ryan kept trying to show off, I guess he is kind of cute and stuff. His eyes are brown, I'm guessing he's Mexican.

Isis tells us our skills, The skills you are born with is the easiest thing to do for you.  Mine is Creativity and spiritual nature, . Alana is hunting and dodging (getting away without getting hurt) , Sandy, emotional calming and healing, and I'm pretty sure Ryan's is navigation and knowledge. Isis says where we sleep we will awake in human form before 6:30 probably naked, but get used to it she said, it's just parts. And I do awake with slight knowledge remembered from last night. Alana, Sandy, I and Ryan are a naked. It must be embarrassing being the only naked boy.

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