Chapter 1~ Number 15

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 {Chapter 1}

I wake up today is my 15 birthday. My aunt and uncle greet me when I come down the stairs. I live with them because both my parents were killed in a car wreck. At least today is Saturday. I eat my birthday pancake while watching TV. My dog, Buster lays under the table seeking crumbs and other dropped food , he acts like we don't feed him when in reality he's the fattest dog in the neighborhood. I look in the refrigerator, not much there. So I just go back upstairs. I open the door to the room. There's a box on my bed. What is it? There's a note inside, it reads:

Dear Selene, You are not who you think you are. You are gonna experience some strange things today, this is because you don't belong in this world, You belong in the world know as Andalis. Your a hybrid unlike any other. your half werewolf, half vampire, but what makes you special is that your a Royal, you have many different abilities, it's unclear of what you have but if you ever need to know any thing... write a paper and burn it but let all the smoke out of the window that has the mark of "A" above it. -sincerely Your mother and father.

My mother and father? This is a joke...It has to be. But I figure why not?

Dear mother and father, how were you really killed?  What's going to happened to me? Do my aunt and uncle know? When I turn into a werewolf will I be any ugly human or an actual wolf? Will I eat my friends? I don't know what to do but if this isn't a prank....I love you!  -Selene Webb

Just then I thought how am I supposed to light it on fire? My aunt wont let me get the matches and my uncle never knows where anything is. I laid my head down on the desk. I put my hands on the back of my neck, It felt hot, almost burning I took them off then I was freezing cold. my hands were hot. I said quietly "Fire" a spark, Then more loudly "fire!" and they lit up with flames. How do I turn it off? "Uh... Off!... Um.. extinguish"- I thought for sure that that was going to work "Stop!" then they stopped maybe I have to think it too. I folded the paper into an airplane and looked around my room for a window that has a letter "A" above it. I couldn't find it. I looked in all the other rooms, bathrooms, kitchen , and living room. There's only one room I Haven't checked- The attic. There's a window with an "A" made out of sticks above it. "Fire" My hands flame up. I light the paper on fire and through it out the window as soon as it gets out of the house; it vanishes with all the smoke going up very quickly.

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