No school!!!!!!!!!!

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Jewels POV( she's back)

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I sat up and looked around I saw a bass in the corner of the room. I must be in Jaime’s room I thought I saw that I didn't have my hoodie on I looked down at my wrists. I saw the reminder that I’m worthless, I wondered who I was that saw them. Well, it was probably Jaime since I am in his room after all. Fudge what if he told the others. I guess I’ll find out soon I grabbed my hoodie and put it on before I stared walking down the stairs they were talking. But as soon as they heard me they stopped.

hey guys what's up” I asked nervously.

hey! We have a surprise for you” Tony said

sure what is it”

well, I called your school and asked if you can be pulled out early, they said yes. So today was your last day.” Mike said with a grin on his face.

OH MY GOD! THANK YOU GUYS I LOVE YOU SO FLIPPING MUCH.” I yelled before I hugged them all and gave them a kiss on the cheek each. I was about to sit on the floor when Tony stopped me.

you know you don't have to sit on the floor” he said

yeah why sit on the floor when you have four comfortable laps to sit on.” mike said

okay.” I said as I sat down on the closest lap that happened to belong toike.

why me?” he asked as he pouted.

cause you where the closest. So suck it up!” I said. The other three guys started giggling. That's when I thought about what I said. “ you guys are dicks. Go fuck yourself you pervs”

I don't think that's possible,and your the genius here.” Jaime said.

yeah, why didn't you tell us” Vic asked.

well that’s not the first thing that comes up in a conversation.” I said. The guys all nodded. Then Jaime came up to me.

hey want to help me make dinner.” he asked. I just nodded and got up. Mike removed his arms from my waist. Wait, when did they get there. Wow! I mean for a genius like me you'd expect me to pay more attention. Apparently not. Oh well!

We got to the kitchen and we decided to make both chicken and beef tacos. Gosh typical Mexicans. I stared cutting the vegetables , we stood there in silence. After awhile Jaime decided to break it.

hey jewels can I ask you something?”

sure go ahead I’m all ears.”

well... when I took you to my room to sleep well....i saw-”

I know what you saw, please don't do this.”

I just want o know why I beautiful girl like you would do this to herself.”

trust me I have my reason, my whole life has been a living hell,”i said as he stared to kiss my scars. “ if you only knew then you would understand”

i just want you to talk to me are one of the other guys.”

I will but when I’m ready.”

okay babe, I won't pressure you I’ll wait until your ready.”

thanks for understanding” I said as I went for a hug we stayed like that for a while.

hey guys is the food almost ready, we're dying out here- was I interrupting something” tony said.

Great now he's gonna get the wrong idea with me and Jaime. Just what I needed.

nope and you right on time.” I answered. I decided to jump on tony' back. “ hey let's see if the turtle is slow. Go,go,go!” I yell.

gosh! I’m coming you know slow and steady wins the race right.” he said

do I look like I care.” I said as a grin appeared on his face. Oh boy! Was what I thought as he ran upstairs with me laughing.

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