Wicked witch of the west

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Jewel's POV

The day hasn't been that bad. People that I didn't even know started talking to me like I have known them for years. Really just because I started hanging out with a famous band. Whatever, it's now lunch time and there has been zero bullying today, but then again I still have like three hours left but I highly doubt.

Since I have always skipped lunch I decided to text one of the guys to entertain me. Vic was the first name that came into mind so I stared writing out a text to him. (J-jewels,V-Vic)

J-hey dude

V-hey chicka what's up:)

J-nothing just bored during lunch

V- oh I thought that something bad happened

J- nope nothing:)

V-that's great so what's for lunch

J- um..................

V-your not skipping lunch are you

J- hey I got to go the bell just rung bye:)

V-fine but don't think that your off the hook we'll talk about it later

Just perfect! Now Vic will be watching like a hawk. Well, I guess I should head down to get my books for my last classes. I walked down the hallway to my lockers, and suddenly I was pushed against the wall. I looked up already knowing who it was. Stephanie was standing there smirking with her posy behind her snickering.

what do you want Stephanie.” I asked.

I just want to know what those extremely sexy guys see in you when there are hot girls walking around.” she answered.

oh, you mean girls like you” she nodded “ I don't think they want whores like you.” I smirk at the end where did this sudden confidence come from I have no idea but I like it.

you little bitch” she yelled they I felt a sting on cheek.

I moved my hand to touch my cheek. Than all of sudden I was on the ground I was getting kicked by all of them. I couldn't get up I was stuck there until they were done. I was getting kicked from every direction I begged for them to stop. I even saw teachers walk by but they didn't even look my way. After what seemed like forever, but I was actually like 30 minutes. They left laughing at my misery. I slowly got up grabbed my backpack and walked out of the school building. I decided to head back to the guys house. I offically have had enough of this shit.

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