Chapter 7

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          After Christian left the room, I remained motionless on the bed until he came to tell me that Preston- who was apparently the pack’s Beta- was here to take me to the mall. When he said that, he left and I finally got my body in motion again.

    I sluggishly left the room and walked downstairs where Christian was talking to some guy. The man was toned, tanned and perfect- but in no way did his looks match Christian’s. His hair was black and he had incredible grey-green eyes. My Wolf didn’t like the way that I was reacting the newcomer. Apparently, neither did Christian since he growled.

   I sighed. Was it really wrong for me to notice other guys? I mean, just because I had a mate did not mean that I wasn’t allowed to observe- right? No. Christian said through the mind link. You are not allowed to observe since you all but through a tantrum when you thought Maia was my girlfriend. These things worked both ways.

   He was right- I did not want to admit it- but he was right. Although, him maybe having a girlfriend and me looking were two completely different things. “They are not!” Christian snapped out loud.

   Then, noticing the man there, said the last part to me alone. Just… leave. Please. Hearing him say that to me, hurt so badly. Which I did not think was possible; since not believe that I could hurt anymore. I mean, he yelled at me, slapped me and insulted me. I really could not put up with it anymore. I couldn’t. I thought about running away but someone else might find me and they wouldn’t hesitate to kill some Rogue who trespassed. I had gotten lucky with Christian.

    “Fine, I’m leaving.” I told him and strolled toward the door. The guy holding open the door for me. When he started the car, I could have sworn I saw Christian staring at me through an upstairs window; but I could not be sure since right then, I noticed Maia sitting in the car beside me.

    I screamed. “What are you doing here?” I asked.

   She shrugged. “I’m not allowed to hang with you anymore? I didn’t think you actually listened to Christian.”

   I winced slightly. “I don’t… not really, I mean. I meant, what are you doing here- in the car?”

   “Oh, I’m going shopping with you. Preston and I were making out when Christian called. He said he was coming to pick you up so I decided to tag along. His house is kind of boring.”

    “Oh… he’s your boyfriend.” I realised.

    “My mate, actually. So, what do you plan on buying?” she asked curiously and, I noticed, switching the subject.

    “Who knows? I don’t really own any clothes and I’m not sure how much money I can spend. Christian just gave me his credit card… I don’t wanna max it out or anything. He’s already pissed at me.” I told her.

   “Why? Is it because of me?”

   I shook my head. Then, I told Maia everything- from when I had first met her brother yesterday to the fight we had gotten into after she left and how he had slapped me. I even told her about my dad. I could not believe that I had just poured my heart out to her. For all I knew, she was probably disgusted by my past and wouldn’t want anything to do with me again.

     To my surprise, Maia was actually a pretty good listener. She even offered words of encouragement. By the time we had pulled up at the mall- ‘La Belle Chique’ she had a huge smile plastered on her face. “From my experience- Christian never stays mad long; especially not with girls. And, it seems that he is a huge sucker to your tears. So all you have to do is burst like the Hoover Dam whenever he gets upset and you have him eating out of your hand. Besides, one way to make someone jealous is to make them wish they had never hurt you in the first place.”

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