Alive [2] [Ana x Reader]

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Requested by: @RainbowWolfs

Fareeha Amari: Pharah

<~> Ana <~>

Dear Ana,

          I hope that this letter doesn't cause anything bad to happen to you, because you taught me to always protect the ones that you love, and I want to do that. But I can't stand not being able to talk to you anymore, I miss you too much.

          Everything is changing, when I got shot, and everyone thought I was dead, I managed to survive (well, obviously I guess since I'm writing this). But I've been severely injured, and I don't think I'll ever fully recover. I still have hope though. You gave me hope. You survived an injury like this, and you still fight to defend the world.

           I want to do that again. I want to fight by your side once more.

           But more importantly, I want to see you again. I've been struggling without you, and I hope that I haven't caused you too much pain. Nothing can change the fact that I want to be with you again. You brighten my life, and everything has been so dull and hard lately. I need you.

            I will find a way to reach you, no matter how long it takes me. I hope to see you soon.


     Y/N L/N

Ana held the letter tightly in her hands, reading it over and over as tears began to glisten in her eyes. She didn't have any reason to cry, this was amazing news to hear that Y/N had managed to survive their injuries after she'd thought they were dead for so long. Yet still tears threatened to spill from her eyes, and she suspected that it was because Y/N had written such an emotional letter, something that made Ana's heart ache for them to return to her sooner.

She wasn't as shocked by the fact that they were alive as the others might be, simply because she'd gone through this exact same experience. This must be hard on Y/N, with them being separated from everyone that they were close to -- Ana knew that feeling well, and it had been awful.

It was currently early in the morning, and the letter had arrived just an hour ago. Ana was currently sitting in her room on her bed, unsure of what exactly to do.

She was considering two options; go and try and find Y/N and bring them back sooner, or wait for them to find her way to her.

It was difficult, because she longed to see them as soon as possible, but she didn't know where they were, so she might not be able to find them. But if she waited, she didn't know if her heart could take it -- now that her hope had been returned, she could only imagine what reuniting with Y/N would be like. It would be a dream come true.

Standing up, and hesitantly setting the letter down on the nightstand next to her bed, she left her room and entered the hallway outside. It was quiet, and right now that was alright, because that meant that she had more time to mull over her thoughts.

Currently, there was only one person that she wanted to see and talk to; Fareeha. Her daughter had comforted Ana just several days ago after she'd witnessed Y/N get shot again in a dream, so she felt as if she could ask her opinion about the letter now.

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