Dragon's Spirit [Hanzo x ♀️Reader] ✔️

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Requested By: @FlameOfPhoenix06

Angela Ziegler: Mercy

A breeze brushed past the trees, sending a few bright pink flowers fluttering to the ground, adding more petals to the already-covered ground of Hanamura. You were careful to step around as many flowers as you could while you walked down the stone streets, attempting to not crush the beautiful petals.

Up ahead, a massive temple loomed above you. The architecture was beautiful and graceful, giving off a peaceful feel to the temple, but also a slightly forbidden sense. It was both welcoming and menacing at the same time.

The sweet breeze, along with the temple looming in front of you, made you entirely certain that Zenyatta had been wise to suggest that you take a break here and come to escape your Overwatch duties for at least a short period of time. He'd sensed your stress at the Overwatch headquarters, and after consulting with Angela had told you to travel to Hanamura.

When you had learned that you were traveling here, you'd immediately sought out Genji and asked whether Hanzo was still at Shimada Castle. When he'd informed you that he was, you were even more ecstatic to come.

Even though you'd only been here for half a day, you already felt more at peace with yourself, more in touch with your emotions. No wonder Genji and Hanzo were so wise and calm.

You stopped in front of the temple's entrance, noticing the extreme silence for the first time. You took it in for a moment, simply enjoying the quiet, but then your overwhelming excitement got the better of you.

Without waiting to see if you needed permission to enter the building, you stepped through the doorway and into the beautiful interior. Lanterns lit the inside with a soft light, and a large tapestry was hanging in plain sight, depicting two dragons.

In the center of the room, there was a piece of cloth draping from a ledge, with large symbols written on it that you didn't understand. Then your heart leaped when you noticed the figure kneeling in front of the cloth.

"No need to be quiet any longer, Y/N," his deep voice echoed throughout the temple and he slowly got to his feet. "I can sense your presence.

"Hanzo!" you cried, running towards him. He slowly turned, his expression as stoic as always, with the only betrayal of his happiness being found in the glint in his dark eyes. "I've missed you."

He stepped forward and held you in his muscular arms, holding you tightly to him as if he didn't want to let you go again. You gleefully accepted the embrace, and shoved down the butterflies that erupted in your stomach whenever he touched you.

He didn't let go, surprising you slightly because he wasn't one to usually display this much emotion. Of course, you'd noticed how he was more open around you, yet you still weren't used to his strong embrace.

"I've missed you too," he murmured, still holding you close to him.


You hurled another glass jar into the air, watching in fascination as an arrow pierced it with terrifying accuracy and sent the shards cascading down to the ground like a crystal waterfall.

Your gaze flickered to Hanzo, who was calmly nocking another arrow.

He'd asked you to help him train, explaining that he had come here to meditate and sharpen his skills as a warrior. You'd immediately accepted his offer, wanting to spend as much time with him as possible.

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