Guardian [Genji x Reader] ✔️

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Jack Morrison: Soldier 76
Angela Ziegler: Mercy

Stars dotted the sky above, casting a glow down upon King's Row. The accompanying moonlight sliced through the inky-black alleyways, illuminating them just enough so that they were faintly visible.

Normally, the city would be aglow during this hour, but due to the signs of an attack and the fear that spread throughout the city, nearly all of King's Row was now silent, dark, and eerily still, as if the city itself was awaiting an attack.

The only sounds were the soft clicking of footsteps on the stone pathways as you and several other Overwatch agents hurried through the streets.

Jack Morrison had received intel from undercover operatives that Talon was planning an attack on King's Row; he hadn't acquired all of the details, but he had sent you, along with Genji and Hanzo, to investigate and keep a look out for anything suspicious.

Thus far, nothing had been found; no traces of any sort of scheming, and the city seemed more peaceful than ever, despite the lack of liveliness. Nonetheless, you had agreed to keep the people of King's Row safe, and would stay true to that promise until dawn, to ensure that nothing terrible happened.

Suddenly, Hanzo raised a hand, signaling to halt. He peered around a corner, quickly taking in his surroundings.

You drew your pistol, a bolt of fear shooting through you as you realized that he might've perhaps found something dangerous, but you shook away the feeling, determined to keep your nerves under control.

This seemed to happen on every mission, no matter how small; you always seemed to find a way to get nervous, perhaps it was because you knew the extent of the danger that might be lurking anywhere.

Talon was a very infamous organization, and it's operatives were known to be ruthless and cunning; on many occasions, they had posed a serious threat to Overwatch, or had even completed a mission before they could be stopped. These facts were constantly at the back of your mind, amplifying your worry.

Then your nervousness temporarily vanished as Hanzo muscles relaxed, and he nodded for you to follow him.

His younger brother, Genji, darted behind him after casting a glance in your direction, you guessed that that single look had held concern, however you couldn't be sure as it had always been hard to tell what he was feeling with his mask.

You had always found him intriguing; whether it be the fact that he hid his face behind a mask, or the combination of kindness, heroism, and seriousness that he managed to carry with him everywhere.

Perhaps you had been staring at him, because just before he vanished around the corner, he paused a moment longer and tilted his head as if silently asking if you're alright. You gave him as warm of a smile as you could muster at the moment, then followed the two brothers around the corner.

The next alley was just like the previous one; dark, old, and musky. Yet still Hanzo and Genji ran through it as though nothing was wrong, seemingly unconcerned about any danger, but you suspected that they were very alert, despite not looking like it.

Suddenly, a gunshot pierced the silence, and a bullet sped into the ground right next to Genji's feet. You felt your heart flutter with fear, and your stomach lurched. Then you realized that he hadn't been injured, and immediately a wave of relief made you sigh softly.

"Y/N come here!" Genji shouted as another bullet was fired in your direction, narrowly missing your arm. You darted for cover, racing next to him and ducking down. "Talon," he murmured.

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