Wanted [McCree x ♀️Reader] ✔️

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{ Sorry this took so long to write! }

Requested by: @FlameOfPhoenix06

Jesse McCree: McCree

The streets were slightly quieter today, although you could see no clear reason for the lack of activity. The only thing that might be keeping people off the streets was the blazing sun above, baking the land below in a scorching heat that was native to the South.

You were boiling alive, not being used to this weather. Meanwhile, Jesse was walking beside you, his hand firmly grasping yours and walking so close to you that your shoulders brushed slightly.

The contact wasn't doing anything to help the issue of you overheating, but you'd never deny the chance to be close to Jesse.

The only reason why you were out suffering in the heat right now was because Jesse had insisted, even after you'd wanted to stay inside for the day. He'd suggested going out to a nearby tavern, and you weren't able to resist his charming accent and insistence.

Now you were beginning to regret the decision, but you were still sure that once you reached the tavern you'd instantly have a fun time with Jesse. It was impossible not to, with his personality that managed to be both sweet and fun at the same time.

Then something caught your eye, and your gaze immediately snapped towards it. 

A poster was taped to a nearby lamp post, with a rough sketch of Jesse's face on it that came nowhere close to how depicting how handsome he really was. Above it was 'WANTED' in bold letters, and a reward of $1,000 was listed at the bottom.

You immediately tugged Jesse over towards the sign, and he followed willingly. 

"What is it, darlin'?" he asked, then spotted the poster that you were heading for and chuckled. "Wow, that's a high price ain't it?" 

You were certain that you caught a hint of pride and satisfaction in his voice, he was clearly pleased by how much money he was worth.

"Jesse, this is bad, what if someone finds this and tries to hunt you down?" you worried, squeezing his hand tightly.

"Don't worry, I'll be alright," he assured you. "This's happened many times before, it ain't nothin' to worry about. I'll keep myself safe, but just to ease your mind..." he tore the piece of paper down and tossed it to the wind, where it tumbled away.

"Thanks," you murmured, eyeing the paper as it vanished down the road. "I just want you to stay safe."

"Even if someone does come huntin' me, they're all just a bunch of fools who have no idea what they're doing," he added, putting an arm around your shoulders, which you gladly leaned into. "Now, let's go get those drinks."

He guided you away towards the tavern, but now your mind was consumed with thoughts of his safety. You kept repeating to yourself that he was capable of protecting himself.

Slowly, you began to calm down slightly with his sturdy presence beside you, and his deep brown eyes occasionally glancing your way with a warmth in them that made you smile slightly.

"We're here," he said as you approached the tavern. "This'll be fun, darlin', I promise."

He removed his arm from around your shoulders, and you frowned slightly at this. But then he opened the door of the tavern for you, and gestured for you to go inside. You quickly walked in, and fortunately it was slightly cooler than outside, but the air was stuffier and it took you a moment to adjust.

People were everywhere, filling the room with boisterous laughter and chatting. They sat at the bar while sipping from foamy beverages that were poured from large barrels attached to the back wall.

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