Chapter 17: HE DID WHAT!?!?!?

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Allie POV

When I was on my date with Niall he took me to the place we had our very first date..... The  Waterfall.  I looked at him and gasped..  "NIALLER!!!" I shrieked with excitement! "you brought me here on our very first date! I love you soo much!" I said.  "Well, Allie I had something to ask you." Niall began.. "Allie, I've loved you since the first day I laid my eyes on you.  Now that we have two beautiful girls I officially want to start my life with you. Allison Marie Tomlinson, will you do me the honors in becoming my beautiful wife?" he asked getting down on one knee. I was speechless I couldn't say a word. Then I finally said. "Niall James Horan, of course I'll marry you." I said with a smile on my face. I couldn't believe that he proposed to me. Niall finally proposed to me! I can't believe it!  "Oh my Sheeran! I can't wait to tell the girls this!" I shrieked. "Niall I love you so much for this!"I said. Then I kisses his lips and he kissed back. "I love you too Allie." he said. I smiled at him.

         I started hearing laughter coming from the trees. I looked at Niall confused for a moment then I heard "Hiya Allie."  I look to my left and saw Sam. "Samsam why are you here? Why aren't you with Liam?" I asked her. Niall looked at her and started making hand signals that got me confuzzled. Then the boys came up and I looked Louis then Niall in confusion. "Okay what the bloody hell is going on?" I ask. "Allie.  We're going on tour in a next week and won't be back for 11 months." Niall told me,  "So, we decided to spend this last week together." Louis said. I went up and hugged Louis. I just hoped that this won't be the last hug I get from my big brother for a while.  


Sam, Haley and I were at the airport with the lads waiting for their flight to wherever they were going first on tour. This will be the last time I see the lads for 11 months. The last time I get to see, hug, kiss Niall for 11 months. I'll miss him terribly.  I go up to Niall and hug him one last time before he boards the plane. "I love you leprechaun ." I mumble into his chest.  " I love you too princess."  He told me. "And I'll miss you." I told him. "I'll miss you too baby but before you know it I'll be home. Okay?" he said. I nodded and I let go of him and hug Louis. " I love you big bro. I'll miss you." I told him. Louis hugged back and said," I love you too little sis. I'll miss you more tho." I laughed. "But I'll miss your pranks." I told him. He nodded and let go. " I gotta go now okay. I'll see you when I get back." He said. I nodded and said," Okay." I was about to cry. It felt like I was 11 years old again but I was staying here and Louis was getting on the plane. It felt like I would never see him again. I wipe away the tears the were forming in my eyes. I go back to the car not barring to watch them get on the plane. When Sam and Haley got back to the car they dropped me off at home and I just bursted into tears. That was the last time I would see Niall face to face for a while now. I already miss him. I miss him so much. I went to mine and his room and took out his favorite hoodie out that became my hoodie when I was pregnant with the twins. It smelled like him. I tossed it on me and went back to bed cuddled up in his hoodie knowing I wouldn't see him for another 11 months.





We'll Make It (BOOK 2 OF THE DAY I FOUND MY BROTHER SERIES)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin