Prologue: 3 years later

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Third Person POV

It has been a crazy three years for the One Direction family. Louis and Haley are still going strong. Nicole and Paytyn are still single but they don't care. Sam's alive and with Liam. Zayn and Perrie are married with a two year old daughter named Arielle Jane. Harry and Madison are together and Madison decided to stay here. Oh and Niall and Allie well they're not married yet but have a wonderful family with their loving three year old daughters Cassidy and Anna.

Let's see what crazy things the boys of 1D get into.

Allie POV

I was sitting on the couch watching the telly when I heard yelling coming from the girls' room. I groaned then went upstairs into the girls' room. "Girls what are you doing?" I asked them. "Cassie won't sware." Anna said. I go by Cassidy and say,"Cassidy, can you share your toys with Anna." Cassidy shook her head. "Cassidy. Don't make me count to three." I said. "You know what happens when I count to three right." I asked Cassie. She nodded her head. I asked,"What happens when I count to three?" "Cassie get timeout?" Cassidy asked. I nodded then said,"Yeah, Cassidy get timeout. Do you want a timeout?" She vigorously shook her head no. "Ok then. Can you share your toys with Anna and say sorry?" I asked. She nodded then said,"I'm sorwy Anna." Cassie said. "Dats otay Cassie." Anna said and gave Cassidy a hug. Well I guess it's time for lunch." I said. The girls nodded and ran downstairs. "Be careful." I yelled. They are so much like Niall. I laughed.

"What do you girls want for lunch?" I asked the girls. "PIZZA!" they both screamed. "Okay then pizza it is." I mumble. When the pizza was done I took it out and cut it. I gave Cassidy and Anna each a piece and put the rest in the refrigerator for later. Then I sat at the table with the girls and my phone was ringing. I got up to go get it. Unknow Number? I answer it anyway

A: Allie U: Unknow

A: Hello?

U: Hello is this Allie Tomlinson?

A:Yes this she may I ask who is calling

U:I'm not telling you whose calling but all I can say is that we're coming for you and your little family.


U: You wanna know who we are, meet us outside starbucks at 4:00 PM

A: Ok.

U: goodbye remember 4:00 PM starbucks

Then they hung up. "Ok then that was weird." I said as I put my phone on the table in the kitchen where the girls were. "Mummy wats wong?" Anna asked. Just as I was about to answer the door opened and someone screamed "AUNTIE'S HERE!" Oh god. It's Sam. "Sam, what are you doing here?" I asked. "You forgot didn't you. You texted me saying we were going to have a girls night with the twins." She said in a 'duh' voice. "Oh yeah. um changes of plans because something just came up and I was wonderning if you could watch them?" I asked her.

"Of course silly," Sam said and put her purse on the couch and took off her coat and put in the coat closet. It was 2:00 so I have about 2 more hours until I have to meet up with those creepy people. The girls finish their pizza and I get them apple juice in their sippe cups. I get out 2 wine glasses and a bottle of red wine. "Sam, would you like a glass of wine?" I ask Sam. "No, I have to watch these two and you know I don't drink," Sam says and gets a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Fine, suit yourself." I say and pour about 1/2 a glass of wine. I put the wine away and take a sip. "So, what are we going to do before I have to go?" I ask and Cassidy says, "Elmo! Elmo! Elmo!" "Alright. Alright calm down." I told Cass as I turned the telly to Sesame Street on. Then Sam and I went into the kitchen. "So, what came up?" Sam asked me. I tense up and I say, "I don't know really." Sam sighs and takes my phone and looks through my recent calls and I can tell when she sees the unknown number.

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