Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Peeta's POV (I thought I should change it up a bit)

I sigh sadly as I look down to Katniss' sleeping face, buried into my chest. She shouldn't have this life. She shouldn't have to face the capital. But she certainly won't do it alone.I set my hand lightly on her head.

"You're safe.." I whispered as I gently stroked her hair. "No one will hurt you anymore."

I wrapped a blanket around her and carefully set her head on the pillow. I pressed my lips softly to hers and laid right back next to her as I fell back into a semi-peaceful dream.....


I opened my eyes to Katniss smiling right beside me.

"Good morning." She says with a smile.

"Good morning,beautiful." I say returning the smile. "How was the remainder of your sleep?"

"Fine..I guess."


"No nightmares. I think." She admits with a sheepish smile.

"Good. No offense or anything, but why are you so cheery?" I ask.

She laughs. "No reason. I just think you're adorable when you're asleep."

"Just when I'm asleep?"

"Yes. You mumbled some things.."

"Oh, like what?" I ask as a blush creeps onto my face.

"They were hard to understand." She says quickly. Too quickly. I dismiss the thoughts in my head telling me to demand the truth.

"Weird. So what do you want to do today?"

"Go home...?"

"Besides that!" I tease.

"Well I don't know....I was thinking about going into the forest when we get back. Not really to hunt though."

"Okay. Just be careful.."

"I will." We lay there in each other's arms for a bit before getting up and heading to the train station.


(I hope you don't mind if I just skip to when they are back in District 12....sorry. I couldn't think of much for the train lol)


Katniss gives me a smile as she gets off the train.

"Finally home."

"It was just a day....and I like District 4."

"Whatever. Why don't you come to the forest with me? I plan to go up later today."

"I have to do some work at the bakery, but thank you for the offer." I say with a gentle smile.

"No problem. I'll see you around then.." She says as she begins to walk to her house.

"Okay." I watch her until she is out of my view. Once I know she is safely in her house I walk hesitantly to the bakery. The bell rings as I open the door swiftly.

"Ahh...Peeta." My father greets. "How'd it go?"

"Fine." I reply blandly.

He shrugs and hands me my apron. I tie it on and grab some dough. I knead it and flip it around until it is finally flat before put it into the oven. The same boring thing...again and again.

I had grown bored with baking and I have began to enjoy art much more. It gave me a chance to reveal myself and my feelings. I spotted my sketchbook from across the room and went over to grab it quickly. I flipped through the book slowly and gazed at each sketch I planned to one day turn into a rich painting. But for now I was still working here, my family still needed me...for some odd reason.

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