Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Katniss' POV

I paced back and forth at the door waiting for Peeta's arrival. We had already told his parents, who took it quite well for some reason. Even his mother didn't seem to care. His father looked a bit displeased but didn't say anything. Of course his brothers laughed and teased him. Now it was time to tell my family.

My heart flutters at the shrill sound of the doorbell. I open the door and shove him in,not wanting to let the freezing cold air in the house.

"Geez Katniss...calm down." He says playfully.

"I can't!" I say in a hushed voice.

"It's going to be fine..." He says before giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Hello Peeta." My mother greets.

"Hello. How are you,Mrs. Everdeen?"

"Very well, and yourself?"

"Fine." He says in a polite manner.

"That's good. Prim is setting the table it'll be another 10 minutes." My mother says looking at me.

I nod and watch her walk back into the kitchen.

"What are we having?"

"I honestly have no idea....let's go upstairs." I say leading him to my room. He sits on bed and glances around the room.

"It's clean." He comments with a small smirk.

"Yeah, well I was bored." I reply. He laughs lightly and puts his arm around my shoulder as I sit beside him.

"How have you been?" He asks as he gestures to my stomach.

"I can already tell these two are going to annoy me this whole time."

"It's gets worse when they actually are out and into the world." He teases.

I remain quiet as I think about the seriousness of his joke. I was just an 17 year old girl raising two children,I would never be ready.

Peeta notices my silence and stops smiling. "But it's worth it." He says in a soft voice.

I sigh. "I know you're happy and excited,Peeta, but I can't be anything but scared and nervous." I say in a sad voice.

"Katniss, I'm just as scared as you are. So many things could happen that we can't control...I regret hurting you,that's all I did."


"I'm sorry,Katniss."

"No. You have nothing to apologize for...and I don't regret that night, we just should have been"

He shakes his head and looks to the ground.

"Oh Peeta, I didn't know you were so regretful. I shouldn't have made you do this, then you wouldn't feel shouldn't either."

"I just wish I could take your pain away. Don't lie Katniss, you are in pain. And I'm sorry...I'll do anything I can to help you."

Instead of answering I simply kiss his lips softly. He passionately kisses back. I slowly pull away after a few seconds.

"Peeta, this isn't your fault....and this isn't a problem, just a obstacle in a way. An obstacle that could be worth it."

"It will be. But I just wish we-"

"Shh..." I interrupt. "I do too, but here we are."

He gives a small smile just as the door slowly opens.

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