Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Katniss' POV

I woke up to bright light seeping through the window. I also noticed I was on the floor. I moaned as I heard a knock on my door. "Up,up,up,up! We have a big day ahead of us!" Effie's perky voice rang in my ears. "And get off the floor,Katniss." she said displeased. She walked out and I heard her across the hall In Peeta's room. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. As soon as I caught a mirror and actually looked at myself, I gasped. My eyes were puffy, my hair was messier than usual, and I seemed to be putting on some weight. Dumb capital food.

I took a quick shower and changed into jeans and a green tee-shirt knowing Cinna will dress me up later. I combed out my hair and put It in a quick side braid. My room was a mess....I feel bad for whoever has to clean it. I mean I would,but.. The door re-opened and expecting Effie I sighed and rushed to the door. "Okay, okay! I'm coming Ef-" I rolled my eyes as I saw who it was.

"Hey Peeta."

"Hi...they're kinda expecting us to be arriving in 10 in about 20 minutes." he says softly.

"Thanks. Shall we go eat?" I say offering my hand.

He smiles and grabs my hand. "We shall." We both walk into the dining car and sit at the table. In front of us lies pancakes,muffins,eggs, and every other breakfast food. I quickly grab some bacon and eggs along with a buttered biscuit. I'm starving! But I did skip dinner....

"Geez Sweetheart, slow down." Haymitch says with a smirk.

"Well. We have 15 minutes or so, I've been told." I say after chewing the biscuit.

"So...district 10. Same routine. Katniss,Peeta, you must keep going no matter what. You got that? Your job is to be a distraction." Haymitch says in a stern tone.

"And stick to the notecards!" Effie hisses.

"Alright, finish up and let's go get ready." Cinna says. I nod since I'm still chewing the eggs I just stuffed in my mouth. We finish, Peeta goes with Portia and I go with Cinna.

"Katniss, are you alright?" Cinna asks with concern. I stare at the floor.

"Just a bit....overwhelmed. It's nothing."

He gives me a reassuring smile and helps me get dressed. We hurry back upstairs just in time and me and Peeta are shoved outside.

We do out thing and head to the next district. By district 5, I think I'm done. I collapse on my bed. This is so tiring.... Being victor....lying..... I sigh and bury my head into my pillow. I hear the door suddenly open and don't bother to even look up, "Asleep already? Poor,poor Katniss." Haymitch.....

I raise my head to glare at him. "Ever heard of knocking?"

He rolled his eyes. "Look, before you go to bed..or back to bed...I bring news.

"Well then please do tell." I snap.

"Someone is a bit bitchy today..."

"Haymitch, get to the point or get out." I say sternly.

"Cinna and Portia want you and Peeta extra early so be ready by 6:00."

"That's all?" I ask a bit annoyed.


"Then you're dismissed." I say planting my face back into my pillow and pointing into the door. He laughs and walks out as quickly as he came in.

A few minutes later, I hear yet another knock. I groan and exclaim "Please do come in!" in a sarcastic tone.

The door opens slightly and Peeta sticks his face in. "Is this not a good time? Sorry...."

"It's okay, you can come in." I say raising my head from the pillow.

"I don't know how people do it." he sighs deeply while sitting next to me.

"Do what?"

"Be a victor....and enjoy it. I'm so tired."

"That's all my fault. I've started a chain of rebellious events." I say in a shaky voice.

He engulfs me in a big hug. "No it's not Katniss. They believe in you.....they believe you can stop this."

Tears streamed carelessly down my cheek. "Peeta-" He shushes me and lays me down still in his arms. I eagerly snuggle into his chest. He understands me...

"Katniss, you're a sign of hope and inspiration. Panem needs you." he whispers.

"I doubt that. I'm just messing up their precious social pyramid. I should've died...killed myself in the games, then you and Panem could live in peace."

He shook me and looked me right in the eye. "Katniss! Are you crazy?! How could I live in peace without you?! How could Panem??!!"

"I don't know what makes you so sure that I'm really that important."

He sighs as I lay my head back on his shoulder. "I don't know, Katniss." We just sat there in each other's arms. All though the peace was interrupted as I slid out of his grasp and dashed into the huge bathroom just in time. I felt someone raise my hair and hold it back as my head bobbed up and down into the toilet. After a minute or so I sat up and tried to catch my breath. Peeta sat on the floor with me. "What the hell was that?" he asked in a worried tone.

"Too much food? Not enough? Raw? I don't know..." I slowly stood up, with the help of Peeta. My head was spinning. I filled a plastic cup with water and gulped it down. I started to walk back to my bed but failed with the extreme dizziness. I would've fallen flat on my face if it weren't for Peeta who caught me and carried me to the bed. "Please rest..." he said as he managed to tie my hair up in a surprisingly neat ponytail. I nodded my head, too weak to speak. He laid me down and tucked me in quickly. "I'll be okay Peeta. Go." I said. He kissed my forehead before walking out. I curled myself into ball,how I usually sleep now, before drifting off to sleep.

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