Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Katniss' POV

A hospital.

A hospital was were I awoke.

The white gown was draped so gently around my body. It was short....barely covering. I threw the blanket off of me hastily. Why was I here? I sat up feeling sharp pain in my side and instantly screamed. I looked down to see a completely flat stomach. I remember at least having a slight bump. What happened?! I hear another scream. A smaller pitchy one. I sit back up ignoring the pain flowing through my body. I stand up and walk to the door and look through the small keyhole. A hear a dark laugh and a figure walk into place.

"So you're Ms. Everdeen's child? How's too bad you won't be able to meet her or your father." It laughs. I freeze as I realize what's happening. The figure is none other than President Snow. And the baby in his arms is mine. I slam myself against the locked door screaming for my child's sake. He looks at the door and smiles. "Any last words? Oh, that's right you haven't even said your first. Oh well... You have your mother to blame. She's started an uprising and must be punished. Killing her would be too easy, don't you think?" He chuckles. "Like you have a say in this." I begin to sob as my baby screams.

"Well. I can't stand this noise anymore. So let's get on with the show,shall we?"



"NOOOOOOOO!" I scream jolting up into a sitting position in my bed. I throw the covers off and lift up my shirt. A small swollen bump remains in place. I stroke it and throw my head against the headboard.

A was all a dream.

The door opens suddenly and afraid my dream wasn't a dream I scream and hide under the covers.

"Katniss!!'s okay it's just me." A soft voice calls.

"P...P...Peeta?" I ask slowly crawling out.

"It's just me..." He slowly shuts the door and sits on my bed. "Bad dream?" I nod.

"Peeta...I'm so sorry." I say tears flow swiftly down my cheeks.

"For what?" He asks.

"All of's my fault." I say.

"Hey now, it's not your fault. It's mine, and I would be terrible person if I didn't support you and your decisions." He says stroking my tangled hair.

"I want to keep it." I whisper.

"Okay." He says.

"But I can't....."

"Why not?"

"This isn't the right time. I can't bring a baby into a situation like this! And we're still young. Not old enough to be parents!"I exclaim.

He remains silent as If he doesn't understand what I said.

"The uprising, Peeta! Open your eyes! I've started something." I snap.

He sighs. "We started something. We both threatened to take the berries."

"But it was my idea. And it's not just that.....the training."

"I thought we were over that. You got an 11."

"Only so people would kill me first!" I shout. Peeta looks startled.

"I'm sorry. I'm just stressed..." He gives me a sad look and pulls me onto his lap. "It's alright. We will get through this together. I will support your decision no matter what you decide." He soothes.

"Thanks. But we should decide together." I say in a weak voice.

"Okay." He wipes the tears off my cheek tenderly.

"But, Peeta?"

"Yes, Katniss?" He answers.

"I have an ultrasound tomorrow...we can decide then. Will you come with me?" I ask in a small voice.

"Of course.... Now get some sleep. We don't have to get ready for another four hours." He says stroking my hair. He helps me back into bed and kisses my forehead. "I love you, much."

"I love you too." I say before falling into a peaceful sleep.


I can't stop updating! Lol....


Ooh another nightmare *wink wink*

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