Chapter 13

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Ahh...this chapter can be a bit much for some. It isn't too bad to me but I have to put this. So...yeah,

I feel a bit bad for making this whole situation so dramatic...oh well.



Chapter 13

Peeta's POV

I hear the quiet purr of one of my stylist's voice . "Peeta....wake up."

I groaned and sat up. I slept for 4 hours? Well I didn't sleep at all last night....

My three stylists were standing over me holding all the materials needed to do what ever they planned to do to me. "Come along Peeta, we have a lot of work to do." Cian says while pushing me into the roomy bathroom. I do what I'm told and sit on a stool and stay as still as possible as they work on my face. They apply a creamy substance and then trace my eyes with a pencil.

"Almost done!" Joy says with a small squeal. "Oh Peeta, you're going to look amazing!" I roll my eyes.

Livius begins on my nails while Cian spreading some substance on my legs.

"Done!" Joy squeals jumping back and smiling. Her pink curly hair bounces around as she helps Livius with my nails. I yelp as Cian rips a strip of paper ish stuff off my leg. I hate how they have to wax my legs. I mean I wearing pants, right? I wonder how Katniss' preparations are going...

Just as Livius and Joy finish polishes my nails we all hear a high pitched scream. All of our head's snap up and we all look at each other for a second.

"That sounded like...Octavia." Cian says.

"I'm sure everything is fine." Joy says with a quiet laugh. They all shrug and go back to work.

We hear the drop of items and one more scream. "Katniss!" My face goes pale as I think of what could be happening. Cian and Livius glance to each other and Joy looks to me.

"I-I-I'm sure it's-" Joy doesn't have time to finish because I'm already out the door. I knock rapidly on her door. Both Cinna and Portia are both speed walking to her door. "What happened?" Portia asks.

"I don't know." I say out of breath.

"We heard screaming and a thing or two breaking, we had to come see what's happened." She says. I nod and knock again. "One...moment..." Flavius says in a shaky voice. The door opens and Flavius stands there panting. "It's....under control. We-" I push past him and enter her room and walk to the open door of the bathroom. "Peeta." Flavius calls.

Cinna follows me and stand in horror along with me as we see the scene. My eyes glance to the tub of water which is blood stained and to Katniss lying on the floor with Octavia and Venia leaning over her checking for a pulse. "What?!! Happened!?!?" Cinna demands in a stern tone.

"We don't know.....we just...and...she..." Venia says all choked up. Cinna quickly runs over to Katniss. I can't find the energy to move from my frozen state.! She can't! I watch as Cinna pushes Venia and Octavia away and checks for a pulse, the correct way. "It's faint." Cinna gently touches the towel which is draped over her torso and to her thighs. He looks up to Octavia who shakes her head. "We-" he silences her. I run over and kneel next to Cinna just as he slowly moves the towel aside. I gasp and begin to make a weird choking noise as I see what they were hiding. Blood colors the tiled floor and stains her inner thigh.


"I'm on it." She says while pulling out a small phone and dialing a familiar number.

"I'm...we' sorry. I don't know how this happened." Flavius says in a hushed voice.

"What did you put in the water?" Cinna asks quietly.

"The water? The usual."

"We'll talk later. Right now Katniss is our main concern."

"K-K-Katniss..." I whisper as I stare at her pale face.

"She'll be okay. It's okay Peeta..." Cinna says in a low voice. After a minute or two we hear pounding footsteps along with two other recognizable ones. We are joined by a doctor that was found. She fumbles around as she checks her pulse and blood pressure. "Is she...gonna be okay?" I ask.

"Yes. She'll be fine...for the most part."

"What about the babies?" I blurt out quickly.

"That's hard to tell." She says while feeling around her stomach. I nod sadly and scoot backwards and allow the doctor some space to do what she can. I put my head on my knees and shortly after I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Haymitch. "It's alright...she'll be okay. C'mon let's give the doctor some time." He says helping me up. I didn't want to leave her but I knew I had to. With the help of Haymitch and Portia I was escorted back to my room. I passed my stylists and Effie who stood in the corner of the room in shock. Haymitch left and Portia sat next to me on the bed. "She'll be okay."

But will she?

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