In My Life

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Erik POV
We approached the house when I heard Sierra gasp,
"You live here?" She exclaimed, putting her hands over her mouth. "It's beautiful! Oh Erik!" She said jumping up and down like a child.
"You like it?" I asked pulling her closer to me.
"Its magnificent Erik, truly." She said leaning her head into my chest. I looked down at her, her eyes beaming at the sight of my home.
"Come, lets us go get you out of those clothes." I said, then 'I realized what I had just said and how wrong it sounded. Not that I would mind it but still. "I meant as in, get you in some warm, um-" Her lips then gently touched mine, once again retuning the familiar taste of vanilla and cherries. She caressed my undeformed cheek ever so gently, making my heart race at her touch. I never thought anyone but Christine could ever have this effect on me, but I seem to be mistaken. She pulled away after a moment, letting the kiss linger.
"Relax a bit, I know what you meant Erik. Your a gentleman through and through my dear." She said softly into my ear. I gingerly took her hand into mine, bringing the now familiar feeling of peace to my disturbed being. I kissed her hand once more making her cheeks turn a crimson red again.
"Come, I believe you'll like the inside as well." I said softly. I led her to the door, opening it so she could enter before me. We were greeted by the soft hum of a violin coming from the music room downstairs. Lily seemed to be composing again, greatly taking after me. She usually wrote more simple pieces, but this sounded more complex. What was on her mind?
"Erik, its magnificent!" Sierra said walking into the living area.
"Yes, indeed it is. Furnished top to bottom with the finest..." I said looking at her, she approached me again, taking both of my hands in her's.
"It's very Lily on the outside with all of the garden's and flowers, but very you on the inside. Dark and mysterious...." She said taking one hand out of mine and placing it on the back of my neck. "There's so much of you I wish to know Erik, you've let me go on, and on but never telling me much of who are are...." She said making me pull away instantly.
"Some things are hard to explain my dear Sierra.... but please trust me that in due time-"
"Erik, if you feel the same way about me as I feel for you-"
"I believe I am beginning to Sierra..." I said pulling her close to me yet again.
"Then someday I wish to know of you and your past, but it seems a hard subject to you. Not now, but someday. That is all I ask of you. Accept me for what I am and what I've done, and I shall do the same for you." She said changing her glance from our interlaced hands to my eyes.
"I promise." I said placing a soft kiss on the ivory skin of her cheek. "Now, I'll show you to the washroom, if you wish to bathe and warm up."
"Thank you."
I showed her to my washroom and gave her one of Lily's dresses to wear. Then I headed downstairs to see what was troubling my daughter, then I heard her softly singing to herself. I quickly, and silently walked down the stairs being careful not to make a sound, trying to her voice.
How strange, this feeling that my life's begun at last
This change, can people really fall in love so fast?
What's the matter with you, Lily?
Have you been too much on your own?
So many things unclear
So many things unknown.
In my life
There are so many questions and answers
That somehow seem wrong

I peered around the corner, to see her clutching her hand to her heart. In love? My daughter in love? With whom? I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion.

In my life
There are times when I catch in the silence
The sigh of a faraway song
And it sings
Of a world that I long to see
Out of reach

She stopped suddenly as the bottom step I stood on made a creaking noise.
"Father? Why are you spying on me?" She said flustered. I made myself appear from the shadows of the stairway.
"I wasnt spying my child. I was purely admiring the voice you possess." I lied. Yes, her voice was delicate and beautiful but this time was listening for some sort of meaning behind the words she sang. I didn't want to fathom the idea that she could possibly be in love. She was far too young.
"Oh, well thank you..." She said looking away from me, a tint of red on her cheek. Then she quickly turned her head to look at me,
"Father there is something I must tell you, but you must promise me not to be upset with me." I looked at her with concern as she looked at me fearful yet guilty of something.
"What have you done Lillian?" I said walking towards her my voice raising slightly. "Tell me child" Then i heard it, a bark came from the corner of the room. I tuned my gaze to look at a three legged dog walking towards me. I stood there stiff, not believing that a three legged mutt stood in front of me. The dog limped towards me, and sat at my feet. I looked at the dog curiously.
"Father, meet Scout. I found the poor thing being chased down the street today. He's a stray.." She said bending down to pet the dogs head. My fell as I looked at the dog, not believing she did this.
"Lily, we cannot-"
"Father please! Don't send the poor thing to the pound or the streets. He's just a dog, he doesn't deserve the treatment he was being given, they will kill him in the pound because he's different. On the streets he will get chased and abused by the public again. You should understand why we cannot send him back better than anyone." She made my heart hurt right then, knowing she was right. I couldn't send the dog back. I knew far too well what it felt like to be abused by the world.
"Fine, we may keep it-"
"We may keep Scout, but you are responsible for him, feeding, walks, baths, etcetera. Understand?" I asked looking down at the dog as he starred up back at me with its pink tongue sticking out of its toothy mouth. Lily stood and wrapped her arms around me,
"Oh thank you Father, he really is a sweet dog. A bit clumsy at times, but I think that may just be because of the balance issues of having only three legs. I think you'll grow to like him!" The dog licked her face, and she giggled. The dog then left her side and rubbed its head against my legs, I stepped back a bit at the affection of the animal but reluctantly bent down and stroked his ears.
"Father, I heard footsteps upstairs." I saw Lily look at the ceiling, they were very faint, a normal sense of hearing couldn't hear them but she did.
"Yes, erm, Sierra is here...She thought it would be fun going in the water and got soaking wet. I let her shower in my bedroom..." I changed my glance from the dog to Lily. Her jaw was dropped,
"What child?" I asked confused at her reaction, she was simply warming up from the cold of the water. Oh wait... she thinks... oh no.
"Um, I can go to Ramin's for the night if-"
"No! No, no its not like that. Mind your business Lily." I chucked at her. We sat in silence, the only sound was Scout panting happily with all the new affection being given to him. Then he went and placed his slobbery tongue on my mask,
"Ugh!" I said pushing his face away from mine as Lily laughed heartily. I swiftly took off the mask and whipped away the slobber with the hem of Lily's skirt.
"Stop!" She said ripping her dress out of my reach and I smirked deviously at her. This was nice, just us two sitting around the house together once more. It didn't happen often nowadays. I was always working with it being summer time and the park being busy as ever. The other portion was that she was always off with Ramin, or other friends she always failed to bring around me for some reason. Our endearing moment was not over when I heard my name called from upstairs.
"Erik?" Sierras voice rang.
"Down here darling!" I said looking back at Lily, she wore a smirk on her lips.
"Darling?" She mouthed to me and I shrugged, not needing her input. I heard the door open to the music room and delicate footsteps come down the dark oak steps. Sierra emerged from the shadows and instead of wearing Lily's gown as I had expected, she wore my black robe which hung right below her knees. My breath hitched in my throat.
"I hope you don't mind, Lily's dress was a bit snug so I stole this from your wardrobe..." she said slightly embarrassed. I knew she was lying however, the dress was just her size, but then I remembered the sleeves were only to her elbows. They would leave her scars exposed. I know the feeling of being exposed... covering her scars was the equivalent of me wearing the mask to cover my deformity....
"I don't mind in the slightest," I muttered, still admiring the way my clothes looked on her. The only other people to ever wear my clothing were Lily when she was a child, and Christine on that night after the deed was done. Christine was rather modest, wanting to cover herself from my ravishing gaze.
"Well..." Lily said taking me from my thoughts, and breaking the rather uncomfortable silence that hung in the air. "I am simply exhausted. I will see you tomorrow afternoon Father-"
"Afternoon?" I said in a questioning tone.
"Yes I have been asked to breakfast..." She said looking at me, her green eyes glimmering with a bit of excitement.
"By whom? Who is this brave young suitor to ask my only daughter out?" I said feeling my temper expose itself a bit.
"His name is James Moriarty... We met today when I was out with Ramin..." Ramin... the poor boy must be distraught, knowing she was showing interest in somebody that was not him.
"Oh Lily! That's wonderful!" Sierra said coming to knee next to me. She reached her hand out to Lily's and grasped it tightly and Lily grinned at her. I still sat there silent, letting my thoughts of Lily having relations with someone break my heart bit by bit. She was growing up.
"Yes, he's very sweet, and devastatingly handsome. I don't understand what he see's in me..." She said as her confidence fluttered away.
"Nonsense. Your smart as a whip, sweet as sugar, and beautiful as a flower. That's what he must see." Sierra said confirming what the boy must see. She looked at me concerned, then realized the emotions I was feeling. I noticed my daughter look at me as well. "Right Erik?" Sierra said, placing her hand in mine,
"Yes..." I said softy still looking at my beautiful daughter. Lily noticed my glance and softly placed a kiss on my cheek, making me feel warm on the inside.
"So may I go tomorrow, please?" Lily asked with pleading eyes.
"I suppose however, I wish to meet him." I said sternly. I never asked much of her, but this was one situation where I must do this to soothe my own nerves. She looked hesitant to my request, "I promise to you I will be civil." I said trying to persuade her.
"If you must, then fine." She said reluctantly. "Now, I really must go to bed, I cannot be looking like a rolled out of a coffin, not that that's a bad thing Father..." Curse you child! Why must you do this in my company! I shot her an angry look, and she quickly realized what she had just said however, Sierra must not have even heard her because she was focused on scratching Scouts spotted stomach. Thank god. Lily excused herself and ran upstairs and Scout limped up the stairs following her, leaving me and Sierra alone.

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