She's Growing Up

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I really enjoyed my weekends with Lily and Noel. We always would either go into the city and see a play, or go shopping.  However, the girls now growing older shopping always seemed to be the choice. Erik gave me money to treat them to some new dresses, that was the plan... but the girls had other ideas.
"Meg, Noel and I were wondering. May we go get fitted for our first corsets? All the other girls at school are beginning to wear them" Lily asked pointing to a store across the street. They were 14, it was about the time they would start wearing one. Christine and I started when we were 12 but that was only because that was tradition for a ballerina. I only feared Erik's response to this daughter to now be wearing corsets. She was now becoming a young woman and there was nothing he could do to prevent it.
"Well, I suppose. You both are becoming young women now. Come" I said taking their hands to walk into the store.
The fitting went by rather quickly, both girls wearing their new trainers out of the store. They did complain about the tightness of the corsets but quickly adjusted.
We decided to head home to Coney after a long day in the city. Noel had plans with mother to rehears a new number she hand been begging to learn, and Lily had her usual music lessons with Erik.
"Noel go change for your lessons. I shall be up in a bit to join you and mother "I said kissing the top her her head. She has been working so hard for an audition she had coming up.  Noel was applying to the ballet academy in Venice, Italy. I Clint have been prouder of her.  had began to love Noel as if she was my own. Reminding me a lot of myself when I was her age. I really did love her Father, he was a sweet, charming man, and above all a loving Father. I had learned years ago that I couldn't have children, and it crushed my spirit. Thomas learned this when we began seeing each other and i believed he would leave me because of it. It was the exact opposite. I knew in due time he would most likely be proposing marriage, Noel had let it slip one night that he asked her if she was okay with us getting married. I couldn't be more happy. After all the unfortunate events of the passed almost 15 years if felt wonderful to have someone be able to lift my spirits again. For the longest time when i lusted for Erik i believed it would be him, but deep down i knew he could only ever love Christine.
"Father Im home!" Lily screamed over the banging of the organ coming from the study.
"Don't disturb him, you know how he gets when he's composing" I sad to her. I made that mistake years ago, which ended in him in a fit of rage towards me. She huffed and the music ceased. The door of the study opened and Erik emerged grinning at the two of us.
"There you are" he said walking towards us. "Did you have fun?" Erik asked going into the kitchen picking up an apple and taking a bite. He wasn't as skinny and boney a he once was. He looked stronger and no longer malnourished as he once did. He tried his best to eat when he could with Lily.
"Yes, we bought my first corset today" she said going to hug him. His expression changed, looking down at her as she hugged this torso. A fact of her growing up was something he wasn't going to be able to avoid anymore.

Erik POV
Her first corset... no... I thought to myself. I held on to her longer than usual this time. She tried to leave my embrace but i only hugged her tighter.
"Father, I can't breath" she gasped. I hadn't realized how tight I really was hugging her. I released her, and i noticed my hand shaking slightly.
"Darling, go put your new things away, i want to have a word with Meg" i said sternly.
"Father its-"
"Go" i snapped. She seemed shocked by my slight outburst. She took her bag and hurried to her room slamming the door behind her.
"Erik it really isn't a big deal. She's fourt-"
"Meg. I dont know how to handle any of this... Leave me" I said sitting on a stood at the counter. I placed my head in my hands slightly overwhelmed,
"Erik your being dramatic. She's growing up and you need to learn to accept this. Ive helped you raise her, I thought it was time for her to have one. I understand you want to keep her as your little girl forever but-"
"No! She is my little girl! She always will be!' I screamed at her. She took a few steps back cowering. It had been a long time since i yelled at Meg like this.
"Erik Destler! You are being so ungrateful! I have done everything for the two of you trying to make sure she has a mother figure in her life!"
"And who's fault is that? You took her from us" I screamed walking to her and raising my hand to her. No, what have you done. No, don't let the monster take over. Don't be the monster they fear.
"I thought you had changed... maybe this was just a facade yet again" she said leaving me alone in the darkness. I stood there shaking at my actions, i had raised my hand to a woman who had done nothing but try to help me. Maybe i was a monster....
"Why did you do that?" I heard Lily exclaim from behind me. She had seen me scream at Meg,
"Darling I'm s-" she stopped me,
"Its not me you need to apologize to. You hurt her, you blamed her." She said looking at me angrily. "You had been doing so well with your temper Father, what happened?" She said placing her hand on my shoulder, I flinched at her touch. I hadn't done that in years... I looked at her, she was hurt by me pulling away.
"I don't need to explain myself to a child" I said coldly pulling away from her.
"Father why-"
"Go to your room!" I screamed at her turning around the face her. A look of utter terror on her face.
"Very well then... I'll leave you" she said backing away from me tears beginning to form in her eyes.
"No, Lillian I-" she slammed the door shut.
My thoughts were becoming to much to handle at this moment. I stood there alone trembling at my actions, I took off my mask and looked at the mirror in the living room. All I saw was a monster. My jaw clenched at the sight of my deformity,
"No!' I screamed smashing the mirror with my fist. The shards Collin tied with my skin sending blood all over my fist. In my rage I stormed out of the house headed towards my work shop.

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