You Came

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Erik POV
I held the letter in my hands as I sat lone in my office. I must've been staring at it for an eternity. The beautiful had writing of an obviously intelligent woman. I picked up the letter opened and began tearing the top open. I opened the envelope and a note was there written in cursive,

My Dearest Erik,
I cannot stop thinking about that night we spent. I haven't laughed that hard in ages.
I felt as if you understood every word that came out if my mouth as did with you.
I wish to see you again if you please, if not understand but I wanted to thank you none the less for showing me that there were still beautiful people in the world. People who could see the beauty underneath.
You know where to find me.
With love,
Sierra Allen

My heart ceased to beat, I kept reading the line "The beauty underneath" over and over again. She sees the beauty underneath... She saw me for what I was. Granted she didn't know everything about me, I had many secrets far worse than she could imagine, there was the lingering thought in my mind, maybe she could see that I was a different man.
I reread the letter a few more times before I succumbed to my urge to go see her. I dashed out of my office passed my secretary who tried to ask if everything was ok, and for once it seemed everything would be.
I walked quickly to the flower shop near my office, deciding to bring her a gift just as beautiful as her.

"Mr Y! What can i get for you?" The older lady why owned the store said nervously.
"Pink tulips if you please Madame" I said with cheer in my voice. She anxiously nodded and when into the back to get me a bouquet. I looked around the store admiring the beauty of all the flower arrangements. She retuned with an arrangement of marvelous pink tulips. I hope she likes pink...
"Four dollars please" she said. I took a twenty out of my money clip,
"Don't worry about the change. Buy yourself something nice Madame" I said smiling warmly. She looked at me astonished by my actions.
"Sir I cannnot-"
"Please, Mary" I said remembering her name. I took a flower out of the arrangement and handed it to her, she blushed deeply.
"Thank you sir, have a nice day" She said as I left the store.
I walked towards Sierra's flat with a skip in my step. I was overwhelmed with all the joy in my heart. I slowed my walk retuning it not normal trying not to act too excited but the cheer was still written across my face. I looked at the red door in front of me. Here goes nothing... I knocked at the door gently. I heard footsteps approach the door and my heart began to race. The door open to reveal Sierra standing there, her expression lightening when her eyes found mine.
"Erik..." She said opening the door more reveling herself in a white dress. She smirked at me, "You came." She said.
"Were you not expecting me?" I said my joyous expression fading.
"I didn't really know what to expect" She said.
"I came as soon as I got the letter. I couldn't help myself." I said taking another step towards the door. A wafting smell of baking coming from her home. I sniffed in the air. "What are you baking?" I said to her.
"Apple pie, its almost done. Would you like some?" She asked.
"I would enjoy that." I said looking back into her blue eyes. I had missed the sight.
"Please come in." She said opening the door, leading me into her flat.

Sierra POV
He came. He actually showed up. I couldn't believe it. My heart knew he would but my mind forced me to doubt it. He probably had many other woman throwing themselves at him, who wouldn't? Who could refuse his emerald eyes and charming appearance however, he reveled to me he hadn't looked at anyone the same since Lily's mother. He told me very little about her, and his past the the night while I spilled it all out. There was something very mysterious about him, but it drew me to him even more. I lead him into my small apartment slightly embarrassed at the size. A man of his stature and wealth must've been used to homes much more glorious than this but it was all I could afford on a teachers wage.
"It's not much, but its home." I said setting a slice of warm apple pie in front of him.
"Nonsense. It's very charming. It has you written all over it." He said looking around with a smirk on his face. He took a bite of the pie I had set in font of him.
"This is delicious Sierra, I haven't had apple pie in ages." He said shoveling more into his mouth as if he hadn't eaten in ages.
"Thank you. Its my mother recipe. We always used to bake when I was younger. I like to bake when I have a lot on my mind." I said. He looked up at me while wiping his face with a napkin.
"What's been on your mind?" He asked with a concerned expression.
"You." I said mustering all my courage to say this. He looked away from me as a slight blush came over his face. He still had a few crumbs on his chin.
"Erik, you have something on your chin." He looked back at me embarrassed. He quickly looked away and brushed at him face, missing what I had pointed out entirely. I picked up the napkin and approached him, he looked at me curiously. I grasped his jaw in my hand and took the napkin and brushed the crumbs off of his chin. He looked at me with amusement, his green eyes piercing my soul.
"Thank you..." he said softly, his deep voice ringing in my ears. I nodded and backed away breaking the obvious tension. He cleared his throat,
"Do you have plans today?" He asked
"No" I said smiling as I poured him and myself a cup of tea.
"Well, would you like to possibly spend the day at the carnival? We've just had some new rides installed, I've been trying to get Lily yo go with me, but obviously she has better offers than to spend time with me." He said sounding slightly hurt.
"I would love to. Its been far to long since I've gone there to have some actual fun." I said. His face lit up.

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