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Erik POV
"Father did you move my book?" I heard her yell from upstairs in the study.
"No! I already told you this. Did you leave it in the box last night?" I yelled back. No response.
"Found it!" She yelled back. There seemed to no longer be a moment of silence in the house. Teenagers. I really did prefer it when she was 10. Oh the peaceful years where all we would fight about is her bedtime. Well, this was still an argument but bedtime was now curfew. I was raising a 14 year old now, a moody young lady. She certainly inherited my temper. She bounded down the hallway her hair all disheveled, well the green face mask wasn't helping either. She had tried to explain to me that the mask would help reduce the pimples she was getting on her nose. I still didn't understand why it was important they weren't there.... Its not as if half her face was deformed. It was just a few marks.
"Nice mask" I said snickering taking a sip of my coffee and continuing to read the news paper.
"Nice mask" she said placing her hand over half her face imitating me. She poured herself a cup of tea and stood there staring at me.
"May I help you?" I asked glancing at her.
"Your hair is beginning to turn gray" she said studying me.
"Its called aging. Be thankful you have years before it happens to you" I said folding the paper up.
"Just wait until you start getting old and wrinkly" she laughed. I was not amused by this comment. "You should try this mask with me. Aunt Meg says it prevents wrinkling. You frown an awful lot. They will be on your forehead soon enough" she giggled. I began putting on my jacket and mask, getting ready to head to work since my peace and quiet was now interrupted.
"As much as I would love to smear raw eggs all over my face, I think I shall pass" I said kissing her head goodbye. "I'll be home later on" then came a knock at the door. I looke dat her an she shrugged. I walked to the foyer and opened the door. In came trough the door a frantic Noel racing into the kitchen passed me. I sighed,
"Oh Hi Noel, how are you this morning? Oh me? Im fine thank you? Oh you want to come and see Lily? Yes come on in" I said staging a conversation. I should have been used to it by now, she did this almost three if not four times a week. "Manners children..." i said to myself closing the door asking back into the kitchen to grab my cloak that i had forgotten.
"Does he always talk to himself?" I heard Noel whisper to Lily.
"Yes, sometimes in third person as well" Lily said pouring herself another cup of tea.
"Odd" Noel said looking at me puzzled.
"Indeed. I think he's going mad" Lily said laughing at me recently I had become the topic of their jokes. I couldn't stand teenage girls...
"Im still here you two know that correct?" I said frowning at the two.
"Oh yes we are very aware" Said Lily with a hint of sass. I huffed and rolled my eyes.
"Shouldn't you both be going to school?" I asked growing annoyed.
"We don't have to be there for an hour" Noel said. I gave her a look of sternness, she placed her hands up in defense. If i had given her this look four year ago she would've coward but unfortunately she was no longer afraid of me in the slightest. Damn.
"Well then, ladies behave yourself. Ill see you tonight Lillian" I said walking towards the front door.
"He used your full name" Noel whispered.
"Noel Johnson it isn't polite to whisper" I scolded her.
"Father go to work!" Lily yelled and with that i left the house to two teenagers.

Lily POV
"Did you hear about Ramin and Mandy?" She asked excitedly.
"No, what?" I asked.
"He kissed her last night and she ran off screaming" she laughed as did I.
"Oh poor Ramin. I guess we will have to brighten his spirits a bit today" i said laughing.
"What on earth is on your face by the way" she asked looking at me.
"Oh Meg showed me it, its supposed to help with the pimples" i said.
"Oh yeah she told me about that the other night. I haven't had to use it yet though. I still don't get them" she said
"Luck you, I keep getting them on my nose and end up looking like the wicked witch" I said.
"Be careful someone may drop a house on you" Noel said giggling. Over the past four years we had become like sisters and Ramin became like our brother. We were alway together, basically inseparable. Father had also gown quite fond of Ramin, treating him like a son, because unfortunately Ramin"s father now had lung cancer and it was certainly taking a toll on him.
"Speaking of Meg, how are her and your father getting along?" I asked curiously. Aunt Meg and Noel's father had been seeing each other for a few months now. It was good for her, Noel's father was a good man. Aunt Meg deserved somebody like him.
"They are very good, I haven't seen him this happy in ages, ever since mother died a few years back his eyes never sparkled the same way. It pained me to see him so unhappy" she said; I understood. Ever since Mother died Father always had a bit of sadness about him. Yes, he wa already a very dark man before she died but now it the pain could never seem to leave him.
"We should take it upon ourself to find your father someone!" Noel said excitedly.
"No. I really don't think he cold ever love someone the way he loved my mother. She was his soul mate." I said. I wish he could find someone and be happy again but I knew in my heart of heart it wasn't possible.
"I suppose your right. I just think its funny how whenever you force him to go to a school event all the widowed mothers and even some of the married ones attempt to throw themselves at him" Noel laughed remembering the last time it had happened and my Father decided next time he would figure out how to somehow frighten them. He was awful good at that.
We continued to talk until it was time for school and we hurried out the door together

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