What Song

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"So darling, how was school?" I asked her as we sat down to eat dinner. I had begged Madame Giry to at least show me something basic to cook so my poor child wouldn't starve to death. She thought it was quite funny after I told her of my defeat while attempting to cook a chicken. She had taught me how to make porridge for her for breakfast, and then for dinner how to make roasted potatoes and sautéed chicken. Lily was seemingly impressed by my efforts, aside from her comment saying the potatoes needed more salt.
"It was good as usual. We are having a talent showcase, apparently its being held here I was told?"
"Ah yes, I received a letter from a Ms Allen asking if the space was available" i said taking a bite of my food.
"Yes. Well i was thinking I would preform", she said sheepishly. I noticed she had slight anxiety about this,
"I think its a grand idea. Any thoughts on a song?" I asked inquiringly.
"Well, maybe something mother used to sing..." she trailed off watching me look up at her.
"Well then, I suppose we have some work to do." I said standing up from the table clearing my space. She looked at me,
"You'll help me?",she asked.
"Of course. I am your angel of musiI" i said walking over to her an placing a kiss on her forehead. She smiled,
"Thank you father" she said. I nodded, she was becoming a young lady... I was so proud yet I hated seeing her grow up.
"Now finish your food, and then meet me in the study. I will begin looking through the music your mother had sung" I said placing one more kiss on her head. I retreated to my study and began going through my books. Then I found one. The one from the first time she had sang on stage. "Think of Me" the title rang through my mind.
"Father?" I heard Lily say in the doorway. "I'm ready" she said. I smiled, this was the one.
"Alright, start warming up" I said. She approached the piano and stood tall with her head held high, and shoulders back. She began with her scales, forward and back. She looked at me for approval. I nodded and she continued.
"I have chosen a song for you, which fits quite well to your voice." I said cracking my knuckles and taking my place at the piano.
"Think Of Me?" She said looking at the title of the piece.
"Yes, this is the first song your mother sang. When she became Christine Daee, the opera singer. No longer the young ballet girl" I said. "I can still remember watching her sing this song" I said softly to myself.
"You were there? I thought you lived in the basement" she said.
"Well, its not the basement, I lived in the catacombs" I said defensively. "And secondly I was always there. Every time she sang i would be watching or could hear her" I said. I missed the sound of her voice.
"you definitely lived in the basement..." she said under her breath, forgetting I had an acute sense of hearing.
"Call it what you must Father" she said giggling. I sighed at her. As she got older she acquired my sarcasm: a blessing and curse.
"Moving on..." I said pulling her focus back to the song. I handed her the sheet music and she began to study it. She began humming the melody, her voice so pure and innocent. I looked at her with all the love my once stone cold heart could hold.
"Are you ready my love" I said placing my hands on the keys. She nodded and I began to play.
"Think of me, think of me fondly
When we've said goodbye" She sounded beautiful, it was so soft yet gorgeous.
"Remember me, once in a while
Please, promise me you'll try" she faltered a bit as her voice cracked on the last note, which is to be expected from a girl her age. She looked at me slightly embarrassed.
"Go on", I said closing my eyes and continued to play. I began to loose myself in the music, a feeling of pure ecstasy for me. I hadn't felt this in a while.
"When you find that once again you long
To take your heart back and be free
If you ever find a moment
Spare a thought for me
We never said "our love was evergreen"
Or "as unchanging as the sea"
But if you can still remember,
Stop and think of me
"Control your breathing, try not to push too hard" I said hearing her sharp inhales and exhales. I heard her steady her breathing and she continued,
"Think of all the things
We've shared and seen
Don't think about the
Things which might have been"
"Posture dear" I said opening my eyes, noticing she wasn't standing up straight as I had taught her.
"We never said "our love was evergreen"
Or "as unchanging as the sea"
But please promise me that sometimes
You will think
Ah Ah Ah Ah
Ah Ah Ah-" she stopped abruptly, I stoped as well hearing her voice cease.
"Whats wrong? Why did you stop? You sounded lovely" I said. Her eyes were wide looking at the sheet music, "What is it?"
"Father, there is no way I will be able to hit that note" she said denying her abilities. She was only ten but the more she practiced, she would be able to.
"In time you will be able to. With practice you will be able to" I informed her,
"Father did I sound like mother?" She asked sounding so innocent. She indeed did, at least when i first started instructing her,
"Yes, when she was a young girl" it was true. She did, the purity of her mothers voice was in her's as well. "All right from the top" I said, as she went back into position. We kept practicing deep into the night, until Lily began to yawn and I insisted she go to sleep. He complied and scurried off to her room.
That night as I was laying in bed, I looked to the picture i had next to my bed. It was Christine.
"Thank you, my love for giving me the gift of our child. I wish you could see her, she's just like you. Her voice, her charm. I dont know what I would do without her. I miss you terribly my love" i said wiping the tear away from my deformed cheek. Then i felt a warm body connect to my side, Lily had snuck into my room and cuddled up to my side.
"I miss her too Father" she said resting her face on my chest. I pulled her close and ran my fingers through her wild hair. She quickly fell asleep as did I.

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