Im Trying...

547 22 9

Erik POV
I woke up feeling the body of a small child snuggled up next to my side. My arm was placed around her protectively. I didn't think I was going to be able to sleep that night, however this little girl next to me was comfort. She looked so peaceful and innocent, I intended to keep it that way for as long as possible. I brought my hand to her face and stroked her soft cheek, and planting a soft kiss on her cheek. She looked like a little angel, my angel. How could a monster have created you? I thought to myself. She had so much of her mother, but she also reminded my of myself in a way. Especially with the piano playing and the way she admitted to me she saw the world on that day I took her to my workshop.
I gently crawled out of the bed and made my way to my room to freshen up. Looking at the clock, it was already 11am, I never slept this late in my life. I knew Lily would still be hurting, as was I, but i was going to attempt to lift both of our spirits by taking her around the park today. She would enjoy that. I put on a fresh black suit, more casual that usual because I knew the little girl would be keeping me on my toes today. I put on a fresh mask and slicked my hair back to its usual state and made my way into the living area. I lit some of the oil lamps, letting the darkness fade away. Then I heard some movement down the hall and the sound of the bathroom door close. I still had my habits of being able to hear everything, even the smallest thing happening around me as i used to be able to at the Opera house all of those years ago. I turned around to begin making myself some coffee. Everyone assumed I had servants, however I preferred to be my on my own as I have been all my life. Then I heard timid foot steps behind me, I turned to see Lily still in my dress shirt standing there with a sad grin on her face. I gave her my best warm smile that I could pull off.
"Good morning mon amour" I said to her, and her smile broadened. Her eyes still had pain in them but they were as beautiful as ever.
"Good morning, Father" she said sweetly as she came at sat at the stool at the counter. There was a moment of silence neither of us being too sure what to say to the other. I cleared my throat.
"Um, coffee?" I asked.
"I'm 10" she said with a smirk. Nice Erik...
"Oh right... well" I said slightly embarrassed trying to think of something else to say to her.
"I mean, mother wouldn't approve but I will try some" she said with a devious smirk similar to my own.
"Nope, we are not playing that game missy" I joked with her. I already knew I was going to be wrapped around her finger, but I couldn't always be a pushover.
"Fine, do you have any orange juice?" She asked with a slight grin. In all honesty I barely had any food at all in the whole house. I hardly ate, I drank my coffee and tea. I was lucky I hadn't starved yet.
"Um no, but we can go get some at the market today" i said trying to please her. She nodded and another silence came through the room. We just looked at each other. Trying to read facial expressions on each other.

Lily POV
"Father, I hate to be a burden-"
"You are never going to be a burden, but go on" he interrupted.
"Well i have no clothes, except the dress from yesterday" i said, not wanting to think about it.
"Well i have plans for today, i was think we could go do some shopping and maybe go to the park tonight. I know a man would would get us in" he said with a grin. Did he just make a joke? Did the most serious looking man ive ever met just make a joke?
"Did you just make a joke?" I asked with a surprised look on my face
"Yes" he said with a cunning grin. "I am funny, its just usually a bit more dark" he said. I giggled at his amusement with himself. He gave me a smile. Then there was a knock at the door. He walked into the foyer to answer it, and then slammed the door shut. He came back carrying a bag and placed it in front of me.
"A new dress Mademoiselle" he said resuming his position leaning against the counter with his arms crossed, his emerald eyes staring me with interest.
"Oh Father..." I said excitedly as I took the black and red dress out of the white bag. The top half was red and lace, an the bottom was black with little red roses scattered across the fabric. Inside there were also black ankle boots and a small bow for my hair. I loved the colors, my mother had always put me in bright colors but I preferred black, red and purple. I hugged the dress close to me and sprinted towards my father with a hug. I felt him tense at first, not being used to all the hugs and physical contact with a small child, but he eventually gave in wrapping his arms around me.
"I love it, thank you" i said into his chest.
"You're welcome, now go change, we have a big day ahead of us my little one" he said running his fingers through my hair.

Erik POV
She liked the dress. I knew she would. I felt bad for tensing every time she would hug me, it was a habit from all the years before. I continued drinking my black coffee, and picked up the news paper. On the front page, there was the headline,
My jaw clenched and blood began to boil, the picture on the front cover was me, Lily, and my Christine. Me holding her lifeless body. The front page of The New York Times had my broken family on the cover.
"Oh Christine..." i sighed, my heart hurt thinking of her. It had only been a day. I kneeled down to the counter resting my head in my hands. Then i heard little footsteps come to a stop.
"Father?" Said the innocent voice of my flower. I looked up to see my angel standing in the hallway, looking at me. In the dress she looked like a princess, my little princess. Her curly hair clung to her face and her emerald eyes glimmered. She had the look of innocence as her mother once did as a young woman. My heart softened, she seemed to be able to do that now.
"My love, you look like a princess" i said in a soft voice. She rushed towards me, this time i didn't tense, but opened my arms as she rushed into them. She nuzzled her head into my neck,
"Father you're as handsome as a king, even without the mask" she said softly. My heart fluttered at the comment, I hugged her tighter. This little girl would be my saving grace, without her I had no idea what I would do with myself.
"My love you are my saving grace. I'm sorry I could not have been there all your life" I said holding her to look at me, her cheeks wet with a tear. Then she got a curious look upon her face,
"I actually have a question about that Father" she said as a smile twisted her face. Oh no.
"Yes?" I said swallowing hard.
"If you and mother were never married, and you didn't live together..." Oh dear god help me.
"How did you have me? Because  wouldn't I have had to be Raoul's child" she asked with a quizzical look. My heart began to race, she was too smart. I didn't even know what to say. I had never even thought of how to explain this to her. Wasn't this the mother's job to explain these things. Obviously mine didn't, but that's what my books were for.
"Well you see, my darling, about ten years ago-" there was a knock at the door. Oh thank heavens. I exhaled as my daughter dropped to the floor and excitedly ran to the door, I brought my hand to my face thinking about the conversation we had almost just had. There would come a day and that I was not looking forward to...
"Hello dearest is your Father home?" The familiar voice and accent of Madame Giry came from the foyer, this was just another example of Giry saving me.

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