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*Short Chapter but worth it**

Lily POV
I woke up in my dark room from a horrid nightmare of Raoul beating mother yet again. I had gone so long without nightmares.... i was quivering in my place.
"Father?" I called out. As upset as i was with him, he would be only one able to calm me down.
There was no response.
"Father!" I yelled and only heard silence in return. I got up out of my bed still in my dress from earlier. I left my room to be greeted by darkness and silence. Thee was no sign of my Father in the house.
"Father are you there?" I looked inside of his bedroom to see his bed still neatly made. He wasn't in his study either. There was nobody here. I was alone. I looked at the grandfather clock in his room, it was three in the morning. Where is he?
I made my way into the living room lighting a candle so could see in the darkness, then i heard a crunching under my feet. I shun the light near my feet to see shards of glass littering the floor, and looked up to see the mirror that was once above the fireplace smashed.
"No... no" i said beginning to cry again. I dropped the candle to the floor stepping again to try to pick it up only to have a piece of glass embedded in my foot. I fell to the ground in pain, then noticing the fire from the once calm candle had spread to the ground around me, i tried to get up pushing with my hands only to hve more class prenetrate my skin. The fire began to rage across the floor spreading to the furniture setting the room up in flames. It became hard to breath as the smoke filled my lungs,
"Help!" I screamed hoping anyone would hear me. "Somebody please!" I cried, i could hardly breathe anymore. The whole room was set a blaze around me,
"Father!" I screamed. I felt a horrid pain on my leg now noticing y dress had caught on fire. I swatted at the flames, there was now no more oxygen in the room. I felt the flames around me begin to strengthen until i felt someone grab me and begin pulling me across the floor,
"Lily I've got you come on" and my vision went black.

Ramin POV
I was taking a walk trying to clear my mind after a long day of work at the stables. I had recently begun rocking there along side Papa. It was back breaking work however, i enjoyed it. Then I smelled smoke not too far away from me, I looked around for any sight of a fire but there was nothing until I saw the theater. The outside showed no sign of ore but there was smoke billowing out of the windows leading to the basement,
Lily... she'a in there. I thought to myself as is took off running to the doors. The outside was locked, my only option was to break in through a window. I placed my paper boy cap over my first and punched through the nearest window. There was smoke everywhere, i could hardly breath but I wasn't leaving without her. I ran towards the entrance to the basement where they lived, i had never been down there but she had told me that where they lived. The smoke in the air grew thicker. I heard screams.
"Somebody please!" I heard her screaming. It was Lily. She was in there. I covered my mouth and nose with my sleeve and continued trekking through the theater.
"Father!" I heard her scream. Mr Destler seemed to be nowhere in sight. I reached the door knob of their home and grabbed bit quickly feeling the heat of the metal searing my hand.
"Damnit!" Screamed in pain,
"Lily!" I yelled kicked the door open. I stood there watching flames ripping through the room, she laaid there in shards of glass unconscious. I sprinted to her, noticing her dress was catching flame. I stomped out the flame and grabbed her hand to show my she ha already been burned badly.
"Lily I've got you come on!" I yelled picking her up off the ground. I raced through the theater where the inside was now engulfed in flames. My heart was beating out of my chest as a pillar fell to the ground behind me barely escaping the fall. I ran to another window smashing it open with my shoulder feeling shards of glass embed themselves in me. We fell to the ground outside of the theater, i pulled myself up taking a breath of fresh air. I pulled her away from the burning building, then i sa people running towards us as i fell to the ground barely able to breath.
"Over here, two kids!" I heard a man scream as he approached us on the ground. I held Lily's hand in mine as I blacked out, only hearing events around me,
"You saved her boy, help is on the way"

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