∞ twenty five ∞

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Calum's POV

"Fuck," I muttered once the line went dead.

The phone slipped out of my hands as I reached up to tug at the roots of my hair.

"Fuck!" I screamed, punching the wall beside me as warm tears streamed down my face uncontrollably.

I continued throwing hits at the brick wall, venting my pent up anger and frustration, not noticing how bloody and bruised my knuckles were becoming.

"Cal!" The bleach-haired boy cried out, rushing to my side and trying to stop me from hurting myself.

However, I didn't.

"Calum stop!" He yelled, finally managing to pull me away from the wall.

I squirmed around in his grip, crying hysterically.

"Cal, please stop," Ashton begged softly, coming to Michael's aid.

After a while, I lost the strength to fight back, going slack in his arms and collapsing to the floor.

"Why?" I screamed, knuckles turning white as I grabbed at the wooden floor.

"Mike, try to calm him down. I'll head up to get some antiseptic to treat his wounds," I heard Ashton mumble to the pale boy who was currently running his hand up and down my back.

The pitter patter of footsteps could be heard as the curly-haired boy made his way to the bathroom. The room fell silent, only the slight sniffle could be heard here and there as Michael did his best to comfort me.

"Michael?" I sniffled, turning to look at the green-eyed boy with tear filled eyes.

"Hmm?" He asked.

I could see sympathy and worry swimming in his emerald eyes, making the guilt eat away at my mind even more rapidly.

"Why am I so stupid?" I whispered, holding my head in my bloodied hands as whimpers escaped my lips once again.


"Why did I even think it was such a great idea to lie to him? Now he fucking hates me," I sobbed.

Michael let out a long sigh, pulling my stiff body into a well-needed embrace.

"Why do I even exist?" I murmured to myself, making him pull away in shock.

"Don't say things like that, you know you're here for a good reason!"

"What? So I can just fuck up people's lives and cause them heartbreak and pain?"

"Okay, listen up! I'm your best friend and we've been friends for more than half of our lives so I have the right to prevent you from putting yourself down, you hear me."

I finally glanced up at him through teary eyes, nodding slightly.

"Good. Firstly, your existence is a blessing to this world. I can't imagine what my life would be like if you never existed. You have always been there for me through thick and thin and never fail to comfort me when I'm down or depressed. You got me through that period I was suicidal and look where we are now. We're living our dream which probably wouldn't have been remotely possible without your help and talent."

"Secondly, there are so many people out there who love you. Take the fans as an example. Some of them wouldn't be here today if it weren't for you or this band. Being the reason for someone to try and get through each day with cruel things or words being spat at you is extremely heart-warming. I know you can't see it but the fans just love you so so so much. They love our songs, they love our daily shenanigans and they just love us for who we are. There's no doubt of that and they always shower us with so much love and concern whenever we seem tired or stressed out."

"And lastly, you know how much you mean to Luke don't you? I could see it in his eyes that day he met you. You're his entire world and one stupid mistake isn't going to change that. Sure it was quite a horrible thing to do, lying to your fan about your identity, but there's no doubt that you made him happy each day right? He painted your life with colour again, I can see that. Even though he hates you right now, I'm sure he'll forgive you if he sees how genuine you are about this bond you have. It's a lot to take in at once, I'm sure, so just give him some time and you can explain yourself properly one day okay? I'll stop at nothing to get you two back together cause I know how much you two love each other. Anyone can see that."

Once he finished, I immediately tackled him onto the floor and embraced him tightly as tears I had been battling to hold back cascaded down my flushed face.

"T-Thank y-you Mike," I mumbled into his shoulder, hugging him tightly.

"Anytime Cal, you know that," He chuckled, patting my back gently.

"I don't know what I would do without you or Ash. I'm truly so grateful for the two of you."

"Me too Cal, me too," He whispered with a soft smile etched onto his lips.


A/N well that was one heck of a chapter

don't kill me ily :')

you guys need more tissues? i have plentyyyy :D

bear hugs, cuddles, sweets, chocolate and boxes of tissues

~chris xx

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