Electrical Emotions

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"It's good to finally meet you. Especially now that i hear you've bagged Party Poison" Silver jumps onto the worktop, sitting up there as she looks over at where i stand, nervously playing with a strand of my hair.

"You seem surprised" I note in a neutral tone. 

"Well yeah, he's never shown any sort of interest in a relationship before. He's always said it's a bad idea or that he's too busy, so you must be pretty darn special if you changed his mind that quickly" she shrugs, getting out various cups. 

"I'm not that special" i laugh coldly "i think it was more of a case of me saving his life than anything else." I try to keep my tone light as i don't really want her to think i was some self-loathing girl, or worse someone who wanted attention or reassurance. But at the same time i couldn't help but say it, it was the truth after all. 

"Well that's not true" She sasses "i'll have you know that i've saved his butt before, so have most of those killjoys, and yet he hasn't fallen for any of us, has he? It's you he likes, and although i don't know you that well i can see why." 

"You can?" 

"Sure" She places down the cups and gives me her full attention "you're beautiful and obviously pretty fearless when it comes to the dracs. You're not intimidated by his authority in the killjoy ranks either, plus you know how to aim a gun." 

"Thank you" I lean over and help her get out the various bottles of water that she's obviously got in especially for us "do you need any of this water too or is it just for us?" 

"Oh that's just for you guys, water would play havoc with my system" She hands me the bottles "You don't know much about the droids do you?" I shake my head, deciding i might as well admit that i was utterly clueless. Until Party had mentioned them i hadn't even been sure they were not just some sort of made up rumour. 

"No. I don't exactly hang around when i come to Battery City. Plus i presumed that you would all be brainwashed by BL/ind, maybe even more so than the people themselves seeing as you were created by their engineers." 

"I can see why you would think that, and it can be the case for most of my people, but not for me Neon and Bolt. We were from the original batch, the first prototypes i guess to be put out. They made us too intelligent though - we have emotions and intelligent thought processes that pose a threat from the inside. Nowadays they make the droids far less capable - much like zombies really." 

"Then why..." I pause, looking for the right words "why do they let you keep going if you're such a threat?" 

"Oh they don't" she shakes her head severely "there was a massive recall - the dracs went out looking for anyone made within that time space and destroyed every last one they could find." 

"Then how are you-" 

"Ahh" she raises her arm in the air and bends it back into the same unnatural pose i had seen earlier on when the drac had questioned Neon. There in clear blue print was her serial number, above it a battery sign which showed her energy to be on a thin sliver of red light. "See this number? Well it didn't use to be this code." 

"How did you change it?" i look closer, but it seems perfectly legit to me. There's no trace of someone going over a number or rubbing anything out. 

"When we heard about the recall we knew we had to act fast" she lowered her arm again "so we contacted the killjoys. Kobra managed to sculpt pieces of metal to mould over our original barcodes that would made us be identified as a newer make of droids. They came out here and welded them on just in time too. Unfortunately they couldn't help everyone, so we're the only three around that can still think for ourselves. We have to pretend we can't though - keep our heads down low and work as if we don't know anything else."

The Lone Killjoy (Party Poison/Gerard Way fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now