Unnecessary Thank You's

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Party stares at me for a moment in shock, eyes wide just like mine. His gun is still raised, but he lower's the barrel ever so slightly so that i can see he has no intention of shooting me. Not that i thought he would anyway after i saved his life yesterday. 

"You" he breathes as i think the same thing. He has to show up right now of all times, just when i'm in the middle of something. And what's more, of all the places they could have chosen to raid they had to have the same idea as me. 

"Er, hey" I give an awkward hand wave. "You know it's not polite to point guns at the people who've saved your life." 

He immediately drops his ray gun to his side, but his eyes never leave mine. It isn't awkward, but the air definitely feels heavy with all the things we are yet to say to one another. It doesn't take him long to start talking though. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"I could ask the same" I lean back against the tank, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"We're here to get fuel" he decides to trust me without hesitating, and even gestures to the left where the rest of the guys are probably stealing gallons of the stuff as we speak. I wonder how long it will be before one of them comes to see where Party's got to. "What about you?" 

"Mainly to take these" i tap the tank "out of Korse's hands. I was going to dispose of them when you showed up" i let the irritating seep into my voice at the end. He had, after all, startled me when i was in the middle of handling explosives. 

"Who are you with?" 


"Your crew or team or whatever" he looks behind me as if someone is going to magically appear by my side. "I mean, who did you come here with?" 

"Nobody" i shrug. "I work alone." 

"You mean you came here without any sort of backup? To the middle of Battery City? What the hell were you thinking?" He cries, eyes bulging as he looks at my ray gun, realising it was me against all the dracs the place was crawling with. 

"Oh relax" i give an eye roll "i've been here plenty of time before. I prefer working alone. No stress of having to watch out for other people and no pain when they die on you. It's ideal really." 

"Not so ideal when you're cornered and there's nobody to save you" he seems frustrated with me, but that doesn't mean i'm going to agree with him any more. 

"You're in a group and yet you still needed me to save you" i smirk, but it bring his mind to other subjects and away from my working methods. I'm glad too, as the subject was getting a little too close to home for my liking. 

"Thank you' he realises he's yet to actually thank me. "I appreciate you helping me yesterday. Although i don't know why you keep running away from me." 

"Because i don't need you to thank me." 

"Well i'm going to thank you anyway" he's stubborn, i can tell that much. And he's definitely good with people, i can tell by the way he's got the charming smile nailed, and his eyes really hold you in whilst you're talking to him. "You saved me from getting dusted, and to be honest i was upset when you ran off like that." 

"Well sorry for rejecting you back there, but i have better things to do than get thanked by redheads who are too wrapped up in themselves to actually look at the dracs they're fighting" i grumble, although he just chuckles. 

"Glad to know you think so highly of me.. Spark, wasn't it?" 

"Yeah it's Spark. Now don't you have something useful to be doing? Like helping that team of yours?" I turn back to the tank i was looking at, but he doesn't move like i'm expecting him to. Instead he leans of the tank next to mine, watching me as i read the label. 

The Lone Killjoy (Party Poison/Gerard Way fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now